Books Published
Publication Details
By K. M. Mathew
First Edition 2000 June (Malayalam)
All rights reserved
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Published by
Rhema Publishers International
P. O. Box - 69, Tiruvalla - 1
Carmel Press, Pushpagiri Road, Tiruvalla
Ph: 0091-473- 607214, 677462
Price Rs.50/-
------------------------------------------------------------Second Edition 2002 September (English - ebook)
All rights reserved
This book is submitted in homage and memory of our beloved father Late K. V. Mathew, Kaduthanathu, Valakuzhy (Vennikulam) who has departed from us during the age of 72, on the tenth of January 1983.
This book '2000-A Millennium to an End' is a rigid book having the description of end days events in a simple language. Mr. K. M. Mathew has explained with calculations that the third millennium starting from 2000 is the conclusion of various things.
The ideas that were put on to his mind by the God, along with his normal duties, have been prayerfully presented. We have the expectation and belief that it will be useful to thousands and thousands of peoples.
We publish this book also with full of confidence that it will be an asset to Rhema Publishers International along with the heap of books already published.
(C. P. Monai)
It is considered that, this is a mission from God to publish a book at the immediate start of this millennium related with the same subject. This world where we live along with all of its belongings are the preliminary evidence of the God's proficiency in art and architecture. The very limited studies conducted on that in a very casual situation is the content of this book. As it was seen that the man who was given the first place in creation and the world created for his residence by giving under his control have an indivisible relation in between, preference was given for a study connecting these two.
The Holy Bible, the basis of Christian faith, is the book in which the above two factors subjected to studies have been described in detail in the same volume from its start to end. Due to the same reason, the Holy Book of Bible has been taken as the basis of these studies. But this book is released aiming to all kinds of readers irrespective of caste, religion, place or language. Christ, the savior of world who declared that 'I am the light of the world', have not at all made any boundaries. While recording that the speeches and explanations of some of the significant personalities including spiritual leaders have been an inspiration in formation of the ideas, they are respectfully remembered.
Even though the author was having a chance to undergo higher education in other technical fields, he, considered as an infant in theology and literature, may be mistaken in this book in formation of ideas as well as usage of language. Likewise, the assumptions made in this studies, the various new ideas conceived and other opinions made are not intended for an argument, whereas any healthy criticism or analysis leading to further meaningful inferences are always welcome.
This opportunity is utilized with pleasure to acknowledge the gratitude towards M/s Rhema Publishers International headed by Rev. C. P. Monai, the Publisher and Director, for their consent and concern for according timely technical advice, publishing and distribution of this book.
The most important factor revealed through this studies is that if we consider this earth where we live as a globe which is rotating from its start to end on its fictitious axis, the real axis about which the rotation takes place is the Jesus Christ. To share various sides of this aspect among the peoples of various caste, religion, traditions, formalities and faith is the ultimate aim of publishing of this book. This book is prayerfully submitted before the readers of new millennium with an absolute understanding that this would be honored by them only if all of the related subjects, ideas, assumptions, inferences do have the full consent and support of God Almighty.
K. M. Mathew
Mr. K. M. Mathew in his book '2000- A Millennium to an End' establishes that the world will end in the millennium starting from 2000. In order to present his thesis, the author conducts a thorough study through the Holy Book of Bible. The beautiful description of the creation was made and its situation explained. The description of creation is so great among world literature, says Lonchinus, the great litterateur. Man is the crown of creation. God created man into his own image and likeness. He structured the man and breathed the breath of life into his nostrils due to love and affection. God desired that the man should obey and love him. But due to the devil who entered the heaven in the shape of serpent, first Eve and then Adam violated the order of God. The first man was expelled from heaven. Later due to the intensity of sin, God destroyed everything in flood except Noah and his family, each of all types of creatures and its mates. According to Bible, the first stage of humankind was in heaven. The second stage was from Adam extending to Noah. The man created by God was favored with the means of surviving his life and the facilities of reproduction.
During its long run, Jews became the slaves of Egypt. It was Moses who saved them. God through Moses gave Ten Commandments to Jews. Noah to Moses became the next stage in the history. Third stage extends from Moses to David. Next stage was extended from King David to Jesus Christ. The next stage starts in Christ. Thus, a total of six stages are obtained. K. M. Mathew analyzes the stage that starts from Christ compared with the child, youth and adult stages of Jesus Christ. The final stage starting in 2300 as equivalent to last days of Jesus from His thirtieth age, the starting of His ministry could not be forecast as when it ends. These days shall witness various events. The Gospel will spread all over and Christ will conduct the Final Justice. The new sky and the new earth will also be formed.
The blots that are seen then and there in this edition can just to rectify in the next. This journey of research is interesting and informative. Being a research conducted based on the Holy Book of Bible, the authority of the contents are unquestionable. Wishing best of success to this book and the author.
Dr. K. M. Tharakan
- 1. The Art of Creation
- 2. The Aim of Creation
- 3. The Man and His Survival
- 4. The Man and His Reproduction
- 5. The Various Package of God to Save Man
- 6. The Various Periods of the World
- 7. The Man-Age Through Various Stages
- 8. This World and the Human Beings - A Comparative Study
- 9. Christ - The World Savior
- 10. The Resurrection and Ending of World
Chapter - 1
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said, 'Let there be light', and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. God called the light 'day' and the darkness he called 'night'. And there was evening, and there was morning - the first day." The opening lines of the Holy Bible, the authorized book of Christians, are that have been given in the above quotations. Moses, one of the important personalities in the Old Testament, was the great man who has been selected for the release of God's people from slavery. Genesis, the first book of Bible among the five books of Moses, is believed to have been written by him who has lived after about 2500 years since creation of earth. It is quite evident that this was impossible without the revelation of God. Thus the opening lines in the opening book Genesis itself are giving the God's activities on creation of the sky and earth and the day and night.
An equivalent alternate book explaining the periods from the origin of universe to its end, its historical background etc. authoritatively and clearly is not existing in this world. This is the reason why the Holy Book of Bible was taken as the basic book for this attempt with the intention and interest of a limited study of the world from its start to end. At the same time it is not forgotten that at least some of the Bible verses are subjected to different type of conflicting explanations and criticisms. For example, the above explained creation activities itself is understood to be explained as created through one millennium rather than one day, by some of the personalities and groups. The Bible verse 'For a thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night', may be the cause of this thinking. In one of the books, out of the five books believed to have been written by Moses, the death of Moses has been described, is another controversy. Thus, even though certain criticisms and explanations are arisen from some corners, it is to be stressed and underlined that this do not create an obstruction for the aim and result of writing up of the Bible or the real faith of the real believers. Likewise, viewing in this context, the historical background taken on the basis of Bible, presumptions, inferences etc. are expected to be acceptable to the people of the whole world irrespective of religion or caste.
Whereas God created sky and earth, day and night in the first day, the relevant contexts of the creations in the subsequent days are given below.
"And God said, 'Let there be an expanse between the waters to separate water from water'. So God made the expanse and separated the water under the expanse from the water above it. And it was so. God called the expanse 'sky'. And there was evening, and there was morning - the second day."
"And God said, 'Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear'. And it was so. God called the dry ground 'land,' and the gathered waters he called 'seas'. And God saw that it was good. Then God said, 'Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds'. And it was so. The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good. And there was evening, and there was morning - the third day."
"And God said, 'Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years, and let them be lights in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth'. And it was so. God made two great lights - the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars. God set them in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth, to govern the day and the night, and to separate light from darkness. And God saw that it was good. And there was evening, and there was morning - the fourth day."
"And God said, 'Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the sky'. So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living and moving thing with which the water teems, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. God blessed them and said, 'Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the water in the seas, and let the birds increase on the earth'. And there was evening, and there was morning - the fifth day."
Whereas the above creations made by God in five days, wild animals and livestock were created on the sixth day. Later in order to create man, He structured man out of dust from earth and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. Man became alive. He created them as male and female and blessed. He ordered to them that you should be reproductive, increase in number to the extent of earth, live and rule over all fishes in sea, birds in sky, and all other creatures on earth. All the plants on earth and its seeds, all trees and its fruits were given to them as food to all animals on earth, all birds in sky, and all creatures moving on earth. Thus, sky, earth and all creatures on earth were created in six days, He saw everything is good. After completing all his works, seventh day He took rest from all of this. As He was released from all of His works on this day, He blessed the seventh day and made it Holy.
The changes that being happened to this universe, the life cycle of human beings, their developments in wisdom and capacity and its influence in science and technology, all of this have been continuing right from its creation. But how long this phenomenon will continue to the same proportion, is there a conclusion for this journey, what was the basic plan of God behind this, in having conducted such a network of creation, such things have been attempted to analyze by keeping up its transparency through the coming chapters by combining the historical background until now, the day to day life style of human beings, and the ultimate truths from the Holy Words.
Chapter - 2
The Lord God loves man and cares him more than whatever He created in this world. He made a garden in Eden at the East and put man there. Trees each fair to see and with fruits to eat, tree of life at the middle of the garden and the tree to render knowledge of good and evil were made grown up from the earth by the God. A river with four tributaries was also made originated for irrigation of garden. In addition to this, there were superior quality of gold, pearls and onyx. Lord took man to the Garden of Eden for garden keeping and cultivation. Then He ordered to man that you can eat fruits of all trees, but only the fruits of the trees of knowledge of good and evil should not. If you eat, you will die.
But the serpent, the tricky one among all made by God, asked woman whether God has actually ordered not to eat the fruits of any of the trees in the garden. Woman answered that God has ordered the fruits of all the trees can be eaten except that of the tree at the middle of the garden. She further informed that He has ordered not to eat this fruit or not to even touch, if ate you will die on the day. Serpent advised woman that if you eat this, your eyes will be opened and you will become same like God, knowing good and evil. Woman stripped the fruit, ate and gave to his husband accepting serpent's advice as the fruit was pleasing to the eyes, good for food and desirable to gain wisdom. Thus, their eyes were opened when both of them ate, they understood that they were naked, so they dressed with leaves of fig.
Later Lord came to the Garden of Eden. But they hid when He called, as they were naked. They got ashamed to appear before the Lord. Against the question whether you ate the fruits of the tree against my order, man replied to God that the woman you gave to be with me gave the fruit and I ate it. But woman informed Him that the serpent cheated me.
Due to the disobedience of the man and his wife woman, through the cheating of serpent, Lord God ordered to serpent that 'You were cursed among all other livestock and wild animals due to your action. You will crawl on your belly and eat dust all your life. I will make enmity between you and the woman, your offspring and hers. He will crush your head, you will strike his heel'. He ordered to woman, 'I will make your pregnancy too difficult. You will give birth to your child painfully. Your desire will be for you husband. He will rule over you'. Ordered to man, 'As you listened to your wife and ate the fruit that I commanded not to eat, the earth was cursed due to you. You will survive from it with painful toils during your whole lifetime. Thorns and thistles will grow up from that. Plants in the field will be your food. You were taken from dust. You will eat your food with sweats of your brow until you join back to it. You are dust, will join back to dust'.
'As the man became wise as able to differentiate between good and evil same like one of us, he must not be alive for ever by stripping and eating the fruit of the tree of life also from the reach of his hand': Lord ordered. In order to cultivate in the land from where he was taken, God banished him from the Garden of Eden. Thus, He expelled the man out.
The relevant context of the expulsion of man from the Garden of Eden, as equivalent to heaven, at the origin of mankind is the one given in the above paragraphs. The Lord God revealed His love to man by bringing all the belongings on the earth under his control, making a garden of Eden entirely for him and putting him there. Like wise, making the man just below Him in His own image and likeness also reveals the aim of creation of man. As equivalent to the love of God to man, He desires man should obey and he should live with Him. Thus the ultimate aim of living with God, growing with God, and on its maturity reaching up to God are the idea behind this.
But here serpent, the reflection of devil, understands God's desire and aim in time and thereby preparing a package in the same coin to offend. It is to be specially noted that the woman, comparatively weaker than the man, was used for this purpose. The fact that these two are the creations of God is also to be specially remembered. Nowadays devil is working hard in all the fields of world in order to utilize the favorable situation trying to reach the aim by using the weaker sections of human beings. Here it is seen that the tricks of the serpent succeeded and man disobeyed due to woman. It is quite natural that the man in sin is getting ashamed.
Whereas the first man Adam and his wife Eve became sinners, subjected to God's curse and thus expelled out, the successors in humanity as a whole are getting this sin as their inheritance. This cycle has been repeating in the life of human beings. Thus, in order to save the mankind which were fallen in sin right from the beginning of creation, God has established different package, which can be watched out as described in various chapters.
Chapter - 3
The Lord God who created everything on earth with six days has included the man having the first place in creation only at the last day. This single reason itself reveals that God has decided his requirement and means of survival in advance. In other words, the creation of man was attempted only after arranging all other amenities for his survival through creation. Not only man, all the creatures created before this were secured with all the items for their survival through creation in advance. This is a clear evidence that God cares all living creatures on the earth according to its status assigned. He gave the green plants as food to all animals on earth, all birds in air and all living creatures moving on earth. Plants with seeds and all plants with fruits were given to man as food. Not only this, the sea, sky, fish, birds and animals, crawling creatures, all were given under his control. Thus, all the commodities required for the survival of all living creatures including man have been arranged before its creation.
Whereas things are like this, if we watch the world, situations can be seen as quite different. The life style of some of the peoples around us itself is the example. The basic amenities required for survival of man are water, food, dress, accommodation and job. For all these, God made arrangements to Adam, the first man, in the Garden of Eden. But statistics reveal that there are millions of peoples in the present world below the poverty line without having the facilities of such basic amenities. If we consider modern world, transportation, communication etc., have also to be included with the basic requirement in addition to the above. However, these can be listed as luxurious items comparing to ancient world.
If God is so much caring about the basic needs of the first man right from the creation, it is to be understood that He is so particular about each of millions of people in the world, right from their birth. The words of Christ, the savior of world, teach this very clearly. "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow, reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?"(Mat 6:25,26). Besides, during the stages of infant, child, and old ages, when the man do not have self capability, God, the savior, appoints his own father and own son respectively for all his needs for survival. This concept is described in detail in the coming chapters.
First, consider the case of birds and animals to understand more about God's caring. Other than the attack of man or other creatures, none of the living creatures are dying immature with deficiency of food. No press reports have been noticed with such a news. Whereas God's care on birds and animals for its survival is so particular, it is a conflicting information that the human beings coming in the first place of creation are dying in poverty and food deficiency. If one section of world population is under the fear of death due to food deficiency, another major section is suffering from poverty without having the basic amenities such as food, dress, accommodation etc. The root cause of this has to be analyzed based on the Holy Book and in the light of the living concept of modern world.
When we make a comparison of availability of food between man and living creatures, the major differences between them also have to be considered. The first difference is that man has been favored with wisdom, knowledge and ability. Other major difference to be highlighted is that the curse to man from God due to disobedience. Birds and animals do not have such a curse. What God ordered to man was "Because you listened to your wife and ate from the tree about which I commanded you, 'You must not eat of it', cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat of it all the days of your life. It will produce thorns and thistles for you, and you will eat the plants of the field. By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return."
As man has been given with knowledge and ability, it is quite natural to be enthusiastic for tomorrow. But an important thing resulting from God's curse is that he should get his daily bread with task and sweating on face. Whereas the transactions in ancient days were in barter system with exchange of goods, modern days en-route to transactions with currency reached up to the system of e-commerce. Therefore, the criteria for basic facilities on survival at present is the money (assets) owned by the individuals. So, the major reason of shortage of money and hence deficient basic facilities of survival is nothing but he is not ready to work hard overcoming tasks. But if it is asked whether this laziness is the only root cause of death due to food deficiency rather than the sufferings with less money, the answer would be definitely negative. The reason is nothing but the common principle that a man will not be too lazy to reach to death. Thus when we analyze, it is evident that the root cause of starvation death in different countries is none of the above. The job that God gave to first man Adam was nothing but the garden keeping and cultivation in the Garden of Eden.
Cultivation has been the basic profession of man originated from beginning withstanding so long as the world exists, even though other type of jobs are significant in modern world. In other words, the life of humankind in the whole world is withstanding through farmers. Then, if the jobs related with cultivation attain a respectful status and such jobs are interested to take up by common peoples, there is no doubt that economic backwardness would be solved to some extend.
Due to the comparison of living creatures to that of man in the availability of basic needs, an important thing that we could understand is that the commodities that he needs for his survival up to his death was cared by God right from his birth. In ancient world, inventions related with the mechanized transportation and communications or the related facilities were not developed, because the extent of mankind was limited at that time. But in modern days man increased in number and hence his surroundings had to be expanded up to the extent of universe. Correspondingly the basic amenities had to be expanded with new inventions. For this, God is giving ability to man to develop the science day by day to its necessity. This is the important thing to be understood as the reason for development of science. Then, considering the modern days, it can be stated beyond doubt that the basic amenities in terms of wealth itself required for the survival of a man up to his death, to the tune of development of the world at that time, has been allowed right from his birth. This wealth as allowed by God is more than what is required for the basic facilities whereas it is to be remembered that the difference between both is only a nominal percentage. This means the assets that we gained unreasonably kept as dead money or the money that we spend for extra luxury is nothing but the amount reserved by God for our neighbor's existence. Whereas the above assessments are based on the Holy Words, this can be very well established in the light of per capita income and the related statistical data at national and international levels. But such an attempt here does not seem to have significance. At the same time, the analysis made by some of the media as given below may be noted.
Thus, so far as the basic facilities as required for each man are available in this world in terms of wealth itself, a man is dying in starvation means our economic public distribution strategy as a whole was failed. In other words, it may be further clarified that the money due to a person is gained and retained by another person by his own capability or by utilizing the favorable situation. This is not only seen at the level of persons or societies but also at national and international levels.
A recent media report says that the total assets of world nations excluding the 18 economically top countries among the total of about 209 countries in the world are less than the assets of the richest man in the world. The information disclosed through another publication based on the human development studies of 1998 would be astonished to anybody. This says that the total assets of the 2500 millions of poor peoples out of 5320 millions of world population are equivalent to the assets kept by the richest 225 peoples in the world. A nominal 4 percent of the assets of this richest is sufficient to wipe out the starvation from the whole world. This amount is quite sufficient to arrange the basic needs for the survival of the humanity in the whole world, the media continues.
The intensity of what was said above may be more or less clear now. If this is the case of certain peoples, how many such peoples are there even before us. Even if not like this, it may be fair to examine whether we our-self are an exemption to this.
Even if things are like this, it is unfair in saying that the economic fields are not being tried to be distributed fairly and logically at personal, social and government levels. The income tax established at government level itself is the best example. The tax that started with one percent in 1869 has reached up to the range of 40-50 percent in India. Though certain societies also tried to think and publish in these routes, they did not reach to its real targets due to their improper working style. But, instead of a compulsory economic equality, if the individuals are taking a self-decision considering the actual situation, there are no other alternatives better than this to reach the target. At the same time, so far as the world strategy is continuing like this, the economic inequality cannot be wiped out completely.
Each Christian believers shall remember that they are not fit to be called as Christian, if they change over their co-worker's starvation as their luxury against the teaching of Jesus Christ, who taught his followers as 'Love your neighbors same as you'. The Lord who taught us that 'Dispose all of your belongings and follow me' would be too much happy if we become a model for others by disposing at least a portion of our wealth in excess of our normal luxury to reach to hands of the deserved.
Chapter - 4
Wedding is in heaven; family is a heaven; certain poems having pleasing lines of such meaning written by our memorable poets are coming to the memory. Man and woman entering into wedded life on their maturity are so common in our society. They are giving birth to children and thus building up a family. This chapter is intended just to see what are the spiritual basis of this family background rather than the pleasant literal presentation of the poets.
The family relation can be broadly interpreted as the union of spirit, body and mind in an economic and social life. Different peoples are analyzing the family relation in different ways depending upon their power of will and wish. While selecting their life partner they are giving priority to different factors according to their thinking and requirement. In the present world we see that they are giving priority to six factors essentially. These can be listed in alphabetic order as the Age, Beauty, Character, Dowry, Education and Family backgrounds of the partners. When these match to their will and wish it is interpreted that God blessed the wedding and was functioned in heaven. But in order to understand the signs of God's blessing in wedding, it has to be reviewed based on the Holy Words as how God blessed the family at the time of creation and what was its aim.
On the last day of creation, God created man in His own image and likeness. He saw everything is good except one that man is alone. God declared that 'I will make a suitable partner for him'. Lord God brought all the creatures on earth before the man. These were named after what he called. But a suitable partner was not found to man. Therefore Lord God made a deep sleep to man. When he slept, one of his ribs was taken and stuffed with flesh instead. Lord God created woman from the rib he took from the man, and brought her before him. He ordered that 'She would be named as woman, as taken from man; and man will unite with his wife leaving his parents, both will become one flesh'. Thus the God who created man and woman blessed them as 'You will be reproductive, increase in number to the extent of earth and rule over them'.
The relevant context of how God coupled the family is what was given above. The first thing that we understand from this is that the family is one among the package of God to save man. Here man and woman are indivisible. Their spirit, body, and mind are united. Thus they are subjected to reproduction and thereby causing the existence of their generation. The husband and wife both become the caretaker each other until death. What Apostle teach us; 'Husband and wife shall love each other like Lord loved church; wife, shall fear husband'. Thus, whereas each of the partners understand that this is a part of God's plan and in family life His target is the one important, then that family life is elevated to the level of heaven.
But conversely, nowadays we see that various partnerships are coming to a failure in modern world. On a detailed analysis, it can be seen that the reasons are different. The symptoms of failure are started right from the stage of selection of partner. Let us analysis the method of selection of partner to the first man Adam by the God. 'I will find a suitable partner for him'; that was what God declared. This fingers to the importance of selection of partners. For this all the creatures on earth were brought before the man. But nobody was found to be a suitable partner for him. Next to this, woman was created from the rib of man. Then the meaning of God's search for a 'suitable partner' is revealed. Though the God created all creatures, these were not favored with wisdom and ability to understand that they have a creator. This ability has been given only to man. Moreover, the God's image and likeness are only in man. So, in Eden where there was no differentiation for caste, religion or language, with 'suitable partner' God means a partner having a possibility to grow up along with God. A partner, who is having a possibility to grow up along with God, shall have to produce the good fruits of the Holy Spirit. "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control" (Gal 5:22). All these factors are internal characteristics. But beyond this, other external factors as mentioned above are given priority and the partner is selected on the basis of such interests and backgrounds. Then the main reason of failure of family setup nowadays is the inability of partners to come up to the level of 'suitable partners' as desired by God due to the failure in uniting the internal qualities.
God Himself, who declared to find a suitable partner, is the one presiding this wedding ceremony. Whereas the first Adam expelled as immature due to violation of God's order, to grow up and enter the eternal life on its maturity through Jesus Christ, the Second Adam, is the aim of a believer. Then conducting the marriage ceremony with the spiritual presence of God and helping each other to grow up in Christ to reach to its ultimatum in the rest of the wedded life are the duties of each partner. Among the various factors that help in this, the character and conduct of the partners have a major roll. When the man became cursed in Eden due to the violation of God's order, what God ordered to woman was 'Your desire will be to your husband; he will rule over you'. Then it has to be highlighted that the wife has to submit to her husband, is one of the God's plans. While women are arguing for man-woman equality nowadays in the modern world, it has to be reviewed whether they forgets to their convenience the God's planning in uniting the family.
Paul, the Apostle, repeats the same topic about the family relationship. "Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything. Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. After all, no one ever hated his own body, but he feeds and cares for it, just as Christ does the church; for we are members of his body. For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. This is a profound mystery, but I am talking about Christ and the church" (Eph 5:22-32). Another important point that we should understand from this Epistle is that family members shall come to the state of a redemption same like Lord God redeemed the Israel or Christ redeemed the church. There should be a situation of redemption between husband, wife and children from the acts of body such as sexual immorality, impurity, debauchery, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissension, factions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and the like. Whereas Lord's redemption of church was single sided, here the redemption in between the family members is the one significant. Thus in the absence of a redemption between family members, the possibility of a failure in family relation is more.
The love and faith between family members are symbolized in the above topic with the love of Christ and church. The love that we see in the present world can be mainly classified into three. The first one is the selfish love. That is, the love of self-motive can be included in this category. Next stage having little more status is the love against love, that is, conditional love on the basis of to love only if loved. These two kinds of love are seen in our day to day life in the modern world. But the love in family life is meant by the divine love between Christ and church. "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us" (Rom 5:8). Loving us unconditionally in the same situation of us as sinners is the basis of God's love. This love shall be within family members. Each of them shall have to love each other along with their weakness. Then only the stage of redemption of each partner can be reached and the God's plan in uniting the family is fulfilled.
Teaching the life realities to His disciples taken from the common category through parables was the approach of Christ. In order to reveal heavenly mysteries and the same to retain in the memory of man, Lord God has used the life cycle of the man and utilized himself who was created in His own image and likeness. This concept has been used as the basis of this book, as converging in the following chapters. The family is being repeated here in the life cycle of man as the symbol of heaven inaccessible to him during his lifetime in this world. Christ's words to His disciples 'Heaven is among you' may also be of the same meaning. That is, father (mother) and son (daughter) along with the living of God and its further growing up, the intention of family is fulfilled. Whereas their place of residence in this world can be called as family, the residence of Father, Son and Holy Spirit is heaven itself. In Trinity, all the features given in the Holy Book as meaning full here is the one highlighting this symbolization.
'I and the Father are one, nobody can reach to the Father without Me', such words of the Son itself can be taken as the example. The ideas and opinions of father and son will be identical in a family, the symbolization of heaven. In other words, an individual can be the father and the son at the same time. Besides, any human being is elevated to the position of father (mother) only after the position of a son (daughter).
Whereas a family with God in this earth can be symbolized as the heaven, conversely a family concept with the absence of God is nothing but the symbolization of hell. The same synopsis can be reviewed related with mathematics. The life span of Son in this world was 33.333 (or 100/3) years (see chapter 9 - relevant texts). The integer 100, the product of this figure with 3, was expressed as the symbol of Trinity. Likewise, a family relation with the absence of God has the properties of 66.666..., the product of 33.333 with 2. Even if the above two figures seem to have more or less the same properties, the second figure is considered as a mere repetition of 666, the image of devil, in the family relation with the absence of God (read Rev 13:18). The same situation itself has been transformed as the symbol of hell. (Another identical point in chapter 10 to be read).
Chapter - 5
God created man at his own image and likeness and put him in the Garden of Eden. He made him little lower than Him and crowned him with glory and honor. He was favored with all powers of having to rule over all fishes in sea, all birds in air, all creatures on earth. Thus, God kept the man having the first place in creation, in the Garden of Eden by giving all basic facilities. God gave only one order. In order you not to die, you should not strip or eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge knowing good and evil at the middle of Garden. Thus the serpent created by God cheated woman, the mate of man, and she stripped and ate the banned fruit of the tree and gave also to man. Thus, the first violation of order was happened among the humankind in the world of those days where there were only Adam and the wife Eve.
Due to this violation of order, man became sinner before God. His eyes were opened. He knew that he was naked. The leaves of trees were used as dress. He became dead spiritually and became cursed by God. Thus, whereas God desired that the man created in His own image and likeness has to obey His orders, reside and grow up along with Him, due to the violation of the order he has to come to a situation of getting ashamed to appear before Him and hence to pass away from His premises. The man who became able to know about good and evil due to the violation of order, in order not to strip the fruit of tree of life also from his reach of hand and not to live forever, he was expelled from the Garden of Eden. This severe punishment can be considered as the first plan of God for saving the man, who passed away from Him. All the sin, curse and punishment obtained by those world (the first man) through the violation of order are being received by the whole humanity continuously. Thus, the first plan of God to save man has been applicable to all peoples of the world.
The expelled Adam and Eve gave birth to sons and daughters. Adam lived 930 years. Thus, man was increased in the earth. But Lord saw that the wickedness of the man on earth is too high and the thoughts of his heart are always filled with evil. The Lord was grieved that he had made man on the earth, and his heart was filled with pain. Lord said that 'I will wipe mankind whom I have created, from the face of the earth, men and animals, all creatures that move along the ground and all the birds of the air'. Lord saw that the earth was filled up with violence and all the people on the earth had corrupted their ways.
But Noah, the aged man in the tenth generation, got the favor of Lord. What Lord ordered Noah was that 'I am going to put an end to all the peoples of the earth that is filled with violence because of them. I am going to destroy them along with the earth. I will make a flood on earth to destroy every creature under the heaven that has the breath of life. Everything on earth will perish. You should make an ark. You and your family will enter the ark. You are to bring into the ark two of all living creatures male and female to keep them alive with you, necessary food shall be kept with you'. Noah done everything as God commanded. Lord closed the entrance of ark. Lord sent rain on earth for forty night and forty days. Flood was coming up for one hundred and fifty days. The whole world drowned in flood. Everything on earth except Noah, his family and the living creatures in the ark were destroyed.
After the flood, Lord ordered 'I will not curse earth due to man'. The thoughts in his mind are with evil from his childhood. I will not destroy every creature as I did. So far as earth exists, harvest, cold, hot, summer, winter, night and day will not be ceased'. He blessed Noah and his family to be reproductive as to fill on earth; and the living creatures, plants everything were given to them as food. Later Lord made a covenant that all peoples will not be destroyed in flood. There will not be a flood to destroy the earth.
The destruction through flood can be considered as the second attempt in God's plan to save man. It has to be specifically noted that, whereas God's action of expulsion from the Garden of Eden at the initial stage was too hard and single sided, here the action was by giving a possibility to escape for Noah and his family who was faithful and obedient with Him.
God's package brought in force through Moses to the redemption of Israelites who became slaves in Egypt can be considered as the next item among the schemes. God appeared to Abraham, a man in the twentieth generation, and said 'I will make you into a great nation, I will bless and extend your name, the whole denominations in the earth will be blessed in you. I will give this place of Canaan to your offspring'. It is quite meaningful that Abraham, who was ready to surrender his single son Isaac as per God's order, has been qualified as the 'father of believers'. As there was a famine nationwide at that time, the Israelites came to Egypt to take their foodstuffs had to work as their slaves. Thus the sons of Jacob (Israel), the son of Isaac, had to be the slaves in Egypt for about 400 years and they were torched by their slave drivers. Lord appeared Moses at the flame of fire in the bush to release them from there and ordered 'I saw the misery of my peoples in Egypt, and I heard their crying due to their slave drivers. I will send you to Pharaoh to release them from Egyptians to the place of Canaan flowing milk and honey'. Thus, Moses and his brother Aaron were deputed for this mission.
But Lord made the heart of Pharaoh hard and hence they did not take care to release them. From transforming blood to water, gnats, flies and the like different calamities were made to Egyptians by God. Even then the heart of Pharaoh further hardened and hence he did not release them. Later from the first born of Pharaoh to the first born of prisoners and the first born of animals were killed. Therefore, the Egyptians forced the peoples to leave from the place. The Israelites thus left were about six hundred thousand men in addition to women and children. They went out from there by walk with all their livestock. As the memory of destruction of all the first born of Egyptians avoiding the houses of Israelites and thus Lord brought them to the promised fruitful land of Canaan, God ordered to consider this day of every year as the Passover of unleavened bread. This He gave them as a covenant.
When the king of Egypt got informed that the peoples went out, the mind of Pharaoh and their servants were changed. With all chariots and equestrians of Egypt, they followed Israelites for war. But with the order of Lord, Moses raised his hand and divided the Red Sea into two and thus they crossed to other bank through dry land. Later Moses raised his hand again; the water formed as barrier retained its original position. All army of Egyptians were drowned. Lord went ahead to guide them in a pillar of cloud by day and in a pillar of fire by night. Rock was broken and drinking water was come out in the desert. The heavenly food of manna and quails were also given
The law and order that given by the Lord God, who released Israelites from Egypt and brought to the Promised Land, to them through Moses is known as Ten Commandments. These are given below.
- 1. I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. You shall have no other gods before me.
- 2. You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them.
- 3. You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God,for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.
- 4. Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your manservant or maidservant, nor your animals, nor the alien within your gates.
- 5. Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.
- 6. You shall not murder.
- 7. You shall not commit adultery.
- 8. You shall not steal.
- 9. You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.
- 10. You shall not covet your neighbor's house. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.
Moses, the servant of God, expired at the age of 120. The responsibility of leading the Israelites were transferred to Joshua, the son of Nun, followed by the death of Moses. He brought them to the Promised Land. Seven nations, Canaanites, Hittites, Perizzites, Amorites, Hivites, Jebusites, Girgashites, who were living in the Palestine, were removed and the land was given to Israelites as their right. When the land was divided into twelve tribes, Reuben, Gad and half of Manasseh were given the east of river Jordan and the remaining nine and a half tribes were given with west of river Jordan by Joshua. But the next generation could not follow the laws and orders of their savior Lord completely. They had been doing against the wish of Lord and passed away from Him.
As the part of next plan of Lord for saving His peoples who were moving away from Him, many prophets were sent to this world. They include peoples from common category up to the level of kings. Based on the volume of the mission entrusted with them they were considered as Major Prophets or Minor Prophets. Whereas God contacted with the peoples directly at the initial days of creation of world, God's desire during this time were brought in force through the selected prophets. They forecast authoritatively things that will happen in the world in future. The crisis and tragedies, which will have to happen in future, were informed. About one and a half millennium since Joshua can be considered as the period of prophets.
Though the preaching of Holy Words through the prophets was one of the God's plans carried out in a long period, it was not fully successful.
During the period of prophets about three centuries after Joshua, Judges ruled Israelites; history says. It is seen that sixteen Judges ruled Israelites including priest Eli and Prophet Samuel. There were attacks between other tribes of Philistines, Canaanites, Amalekites and Midianites on that time.
During the period of Samuel, king's rule was come into force. As the sons of Samuel lived abnormally, Israelites jointly demanded for king's rule like the other tribes. Thus Samuel had to accept the desire of peoples and thus crowned Saul, the Benjamite and the son of Kish, as the first king.
But Saul who ruled forty years neglected God's desire and hence the ruling had to be handed over to the family of David. David and his son Solomon, the next ruler, each ruled Israelites for forty years.
The country was divided into two at that time due to the indeplomacy of Rehoboam, the son of Solomon. The northern country named as Israel (Ephraim) was formed as a special country with ten tribes excluding the tribes of Judah and Benjamin, under the leadership of Jeroboam, the son of Nebat, the servant of Solomon. The southern country named as Judah was formed with the support of other two tribes, the family members of David ruled as inheritance. The northern country ruled by nineteen kings from nine tribes were gone under the control of Assur in 721 BC and thus the country of Israel was dissolved.
The nineteen kings belong to the family of David and the members in the genealogy of Jesus Christ ruled the land of Judah continuously. Later, in 606 BC the leadership of kings of Babel was accepted and then in 586 BC when Jerusalem was destroyed completely the country was gone into exile of Babel. Thus, the land of Judah was also wiped out from history. The rest of the period of seventy years is considered as the period of Babel exile. In 536 BC based on the orders of Cyrus, the king of Parsi, under the leadership of Zerubbabel, the son of Sailthiel, a group returned and in 444 BC under the leadership of Hebrew another group returned; history says. The returned expatriates are considered to have renovated the church of Jerusalem during this period. Thus even if the Lord God who has been leading His people Israelites through various package for their salvation, is closing the history of Old Testament at this junction, the history of the continuous chain of Jews, has been continuing in the world history through Jesus Christ, the son of God and the savior in New Testament.
Our ancestors have reached to the conclusion that there were no contacts or communications between heaven and the earth for about two centuries after the period of prophets. Thereafter, as the most fruitful and as the last package to save man, the God sent His Son Jesus Christ to the world. Christ through His teaches, acts and life proved to the world that He is the Son of God. Subjecting to woes with self minded and submitting His own body as offering, the whole world was saved from their sin. Anybody who has faith in Him was given power to be the Son of God. Whereas Lord God established His plans to save man through punishment at the initial stages, the Son God brings the mankind of sin within the boundary of His salvation plan through endless love. The Lord who declared that 'I am the light of the world' calls upon Him the people of the whole world irrespective of caste or religion. While entering to the third millennium, let this be echoed to our ears loudly (Read along with chapter 9 for more details).
The Holy Bible is a book grouped with a total of 66 books classified into Old Testament and New Testament. Saying generally, the Bible is the one explaining the history of redemption packaged with God's various salvation plans, to save the people of whole world. Old Testament is the redemption of His people Israelites and New Testament is the redemption of the world as a whole. In other words, Old Testament explains the history of agreement between God and the Israelites and New Testament is that of God and the whole mankind. Whenever the first peoples Adam and Eve were passing away from God due to sin, God decided to redeem the whole mankind through Messiah. For this God selected an individual Abraham, the Israelites through his genealogy, the tribe of Judah and the family of David and thereby sent Jesus Christ, the 'Messiah', to the world. Bible is the history of these proceedings.
There is an argument that God had to re-establish new action plans due to the failure of His various ongoing plans. But there are no ample reasons to think so. Whenever the violation of order was taken place in the initial world, God is considered to have planned all His schemes. The wording of Jacob while he bless his sons at the end days "The scepter will not depart from Judah, nor the ruler's staff from between his feet, until he comes to whom it belongs and the obedience of the nations is his" (Gen 40:19) reinforce this thoughts.
Chapter - 6
How many years were elapsed by this world since its creation is a question enthusiastic to anybody. An exact answer to this question seems to be not possible even for scientists. But different figures for the age of earth are also available.
According to scientists, our world where we live has an age of about 4500 million years. They proclaim that there were humanity before about 70 million years and that the origin of present matured man (Homosapiens) was from thirty thousand years ago. The olden days were classified based on the weapons that they used. The period up to 8000 BC is considered as ancient stone age and thereafter middle Stone Age. Since 5000 BC stone ages gave way to metallic age. But the first renaissance of man was developed since 4000 BC according to scientists.
Though the explanations as given above are scientific assessments having official status, it cannot be considered with an authentication as these are based on different calculations and the age of the discovered disposals in ancient time of renaissance. Besides, it is difficult to prove and establish before the public as the things were belonging to thousands of years ago. Because of such reasons, to relay on spiritual books in which the information since the creation of earth have been incorporated is the one most acceptable. The contents in this have been believed authentically by the believers. The most important among this, is the Bible itself. There may not be any objection in considering the Bible as the authenticated record of creation of the earth and origin of the humankind, viewing generally.
Darwin’s theory of evolution as life was first appeared in water and there insects transformed into monkey and then monkey at last transformed into man, was the important weapon used to overrule the explanations in Bible. But on the circumstances that the principle of multi-celled creatures can be formed from single celled ‘protozoan’ could not be established beyond doubt, not only that there is no significance in evolution theory but also it remains as a failure in modern science.
In Bible also there are no sufficient details to calculate the age of world exactly. At the same time it is possible to reach to certain assessments based on certain important events happened and some important personalities lived since creation of earth. Some calculations based on this are available even now. But these also have no unique characteristics. It is seen that the creation of world was in 3760 BC based on the Hebrew Calendar having publicity since ancient days. The donations that Bishop Gregory –thirteenth has given in this topic during 1582 AD through Gregorian Calendar was also not at all least. But some other historical documents show the creation of world was in 4004 BC. As the assessment is related with the age of world, this difference could just avoidable. Among the various calculations above, priority is given to 4004 BC as the year of creation of world, on analyzing based on the Holy Bible. That is, 6000 years have now passed since the creation of world. The remaining calculations are based on this assessment. But as there are not at all any similarities between these calculations and the discoveries of scientists in this field, it is recorded here with displeasure that it could only be possible to avoid the scientific assessments for the time being.
The studies by subjecting the periods since creation of world until now classifying it into various stages will make the aim easier. The genealogy of Jesus Christ the central point of Holy Book of Bible, the world savior and the target of Christian’s worship, has been taken as the basis of calculations (Mat 1:1-17 / Gen 1-25). Related with the transformations that happened to man from time to time, the world can be classified into six important stages, as below (See table –1).
- 1. From the creation of first man Adam to his expulsion from the Garden of Eden.
- 2. From the expelled Adam to Noah who has been selected and graced by God.
- 3. From Noah to Moses whom God has selected for leading His peoples.
- 4. From Moses to David, the servant of God and the King of Israel.
- 5. From David to Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
- 6. From Jesus Christ to till today or until the end of world.
The first three stages were selected based on the transformations that happened to the mankind and the rest three were with respect to various schemes that the God has adopted to save the peoples and the important personalities related with that. Let us examine how many years passed in each period. The first stage can be thought with respect to the Genesis, the first book of Bible. The first man Adam has been recorded as created and put in the Garden of Eden. But it has been mentioned in the last chapters that Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden due to sin. The lifetime of Adam was 930 years. The sky and earth and all the creatures on this universe were created in five days. It was on the sixth day when Adam and Eve were created. But things like when they sinned, how many years they lived in Eden, whether they were expelled as soon as sinned etc. are not clear. But there are no ample reasons to think that they were sinned immediately on creation or expelled forthwith etc. The third son Seth has been recorded as born at the age of 130. While the life span was 930, there is no indication as what was the span of growth of embryo. However, the man united with his wife and they gave birth to their son are seen to be after expulsion from the Garden of Eden. That means, if we consider in the proportion of today’s man, the expulsion might have happened within a maximum age of 60 years old. Based on some assessments as mentioned above and in order to have the convenience of some calculations, it is taken as the age of Adam was 9.3 years or 1/100th of his life span of 930, while he was expelled. (See next chapter for details)
The second stage since Adam expelled until Noah in the tenth generation has been detailed in the book of Genesis clearly. From Adam to Jacob, the age of their fathers while their birth has been recorded exactly. (See Gen 5-25). Based on this, the age of world at the time of the birth of individuals that given in table – 1 below may be seen. As the difference in the age of world and man is only 5 days, the age of both in years is considered as same.
As per the table below, the age of world from Adam to the birth of Noah is 1056 years. If we consider Adam lived in Eden for 9 years, from expulsion up to Noah is 1056-9=1047 years. During this time, the average life span was more than 900 years. Therefore the declared age based on the lifetime outside Eden, is considered as 930 - 9 = 921 years.
The major transformation happened to humanity was at the time of Noah. Whereas the life span at the initial stages were more than 900, at the time of Noah it was reduced to 120 (Gen 6:3). From Noah in the tenth generation up to Moses selected by God, this age was in force. But there are two major problems in the calculation of extent of period. At first, from Jacob in the 22nd generation, the age of fathers were not recorded exactly while the birth of the individuals, so that this method cannot be adopted for calculation of the age of world. Secondly, Moses, the man of God, was not a member of the genealogy of Jesus Christ. In this situation the historical records become significant. That is, while the time from the creation of world to the birth of Jesus Christ is taken as 4004 years the average interval of 42 generations between Jacob in the 22nd generations to Jesus Christ is (4004 – 2048)/42 = 45.14. Considering the possibility that Moses in the third generation of Levi's tribe and Amminadab in the fourth generation of Judah, lived at the same time, the declared age is taken as 120 up to Amminadab, the man in the 27th generation of this genealogy. As the life span of the rest of generations is 76.725, the above calculated average interval is incremented with 25% and taken as 45.14x1.25 = 56. The extent of the third stage is 2388 - 1056 = 1332 years.
The order regarding the reduction in life span was revealed to the world through the prayer of Moses (Psa 90:10). This is the reason why the period of implementation of this order was taken right from Moses. (Note that Moses lived 120 years). The life span was taken as 76.725 by considering various other factors also. (For details see next chapter). The average interval of generation between Moses and Christ comes as (4004-2388)/37=44 (43). Whereas the modification in life span of man was considered as the boundaries in the last periods, the different package implemented by the God to save man, as there was no change in life span, were considered as the basis for the rest of three stages. That is, the period up to David, a man in 33rd generation, who has been selected by God from the tribe of Judah and crowned as the king of Israel, was taken as the fourth stage in consideration that he was the first king in this genealogy. The length of this period from the calculation of average interval is 2650-2388=262 years.
In the fifth stage from David in the 33rd generation up to Jesus Christ in 64th generation, who presented Himself as the savior of world, special attention is deserved to see that first nineteen members were the kings of Israel or the land of Judah continuously. That is the same reason why David was considered as the first boundary line of this period. The last of the chain was the world savior Jesus Christ to be the King of kings as we expect. The extent of fifth stage is 4004-2650=1354 years. The life span of man did not change, remains same as before.
The 64 generations from world creation to Jesus Christ was clear as considered based on the generation of Joseph, the guardian of Jesus Christ. In this, the average interval from 23rd generation = (4004 – 2108)/(64-22) = 45.14. But the generation of Christ as given in St. Luke 3:23-38 is understood to have based on the genealogy of mother Mary. Here it is seen a total of 77 generations. According to this, the average interval from 23rd generation = (4004-2108)/(77-22) = 34.47 years. This seemed to be more or less logic, is the reason behind the consideration of the period from world creation to Jesus Christ as 4004 years; let it be mention here.
The years recorded in English Bible is based on the chronology prepared by Arch Bishop Asher in 1650 AD. As there are other chronologies also, the period as given above is not based on any of these chronologies, but based on an average length of generations. So, even if there can be minor differences in years between various chronologies, no major differences are recorded to be present in the length of periods.
We are now living in the period of Jesus Christ to the end of world, which has been considered as the sixth and last stage of the world. In a sense, a stable representation of year was started only from the birth of Jesus Christ. The events before Christ were represented as how many years it has gone back. This is the mode of representation that the world nations have accepted generally. The middle point of the span of world and the most important event that happened in this world are the birth of Christ itself. Even on the eve of completion of 2000 years since the birth of Christ, this itself is the ultimate truth that called upon the peoples of world. Even if there is no clear understanding on the total length of this period generally, we could reach to some conclusions based on some consistent symbols before us. Please refer to the descriptions in the coming charters.
In ancient days years were counted in connection with the ruling period of the local rulers. In 525 AD a monk called Diogenes was the one who advised to count years based on the birth of Christ. The Christian era came into effect as the birth of Christ as in 1 AD and the same method was followed for the rest of 500 years.
The method of counting backwards considering 1 BC as the year just before 1 AD was also started from that time. But months and years are understood to have been started to count according to the present system only after 1025 AD. Thus in accordance with the present system, it has to be understood that the birth of Christ was in 4 BC and that of crucifying was in 30 AD.
It is astonished to see that while we enter to the third millennium after Christ, the year to be considered as the beginning of new millennium is still remained as a subject of argument as 2000 or 2001. The argument is that the year 2000 has to be completed to complete two millennium. Even if no mistakes could be found in this, while the origin of Christian era is considered to be related with the birth of Christ, isn't it more logic to count the year starting with the figure 2 as the starting of third millennium?
For calculating the age of world since its creation, the genealogy of Jesus Christ is the only one reliability left before us. The genealogy of this man of eon is the only one remained as the written history right from creation, among the world history. The various periods of the world and the various stages of man are moving ahead corresponding to the flow of this genealogy. This will be clearer in coming chapters. Viewing in this angle, Jesus Christ is the real axis that could be mounted in place of the assumed axis of this world where the humanity lives.
Table - 1
The Genealogy of Jesus Christ (Mat 1 : 1 - 17)
Sl. No. of Generations |
Period |
Declared Age |
Name of Generations in Serial Order |
Age of Fathers at Birth (years) |
Age of World at Birth (years) |
Span of Various Periods (years) |
1 |
Adam in Eden |
930 |
Adam |
- |
- |
9.3 |
2 |
Expelled Adam to Noah |
921 |
Seth |
130 |
130 |
3 |
Enosh |
105 |
235 |
4 |
Kenan |
90 |
325 |
5 |
Mahalalel |
70 |
395 |
6 |
Jared |
65 |
460 |
7 |
Enoch |
162 |
622 |
8 |
Methusaleh |
65 |
687 |
9 |
Lamech |
187 |
874 |
10 |
Noah |
182 |
1056 |
1047 |
11 |
Noah to Moses |
120 |
Shem |
502 |
1558 |
12 |
Arphaxad |
100 |
1658 |
13 |
Shelah |
35 |
1693 |
14 |
Eber |
30 |
1723 |
15 |
Peleg |
34 |
1757 |
Sl. No. of Generations |
Period |
Declared Age |
Name of Generations in Serial Order |
Age of Fathers at Birth (years) |
Age of World at Birth (years) |
Span of Various Periods (years) |
16 |
Noah to Moses |
120 |
Reu |
30 |
1787 |
17 |
Serug |
32 |
1819 |
18 |
Nahor |
30 |
1849 |
19 |
Terah |
29 |
1878 |
20 |
Abraham |
70 |
1948 |
21 |
Isaac |
100 |
2048 |
22 |
Jacob |
60 |
2108 |
23 |
Judah |
56 |
2164 |
24 |
Perez |
56 |
2220 |
25 |
Hezron |
56 |
2276 |
26 |
Ram, |
56 |
2332 |
27 |
Amminadab (Lived at the time of Moses- Exo:6:23) |
56 |
2388 |
1332 |
28 |
Moses to David |
76.725 |
Nahshon |
44 |
2432 |
29 |
Salmon |
43 |
2475 |
30 |
Boaz |
44 |
2519 |
31 |
Obed |
44 |
2563 |
32 |
Jesse |
43 |
2606 |
33 |
David |
44 |
2650 |
262 |
Sl. No. of Generations |
Period |
Declared Age |
Name of Generations in Serial Order |
Age of Fathers at Birth (years) |
Age of World at Birth (years) |
Span of Various Periods (years) |
34 |
David to Jesus Christ |
76.725 |
Solomon |
44 |
2694 |
35 |
Rehoboam |
43 |
2737 |
36 |
Abijah |
44 |
2781 |
37 |
Asa |
44 |
2825 |
38 |
Jehoshaphat |
43 |
2868 |
39 |
Joram(Jehoram) |
44 |
2912 |
40 |
Ahaziah |
44 |
2956 |
41 |
Joash |
43 |
2999 |
42 |
Amaziah |
44 |
3043 |
43 |
Azariah (Uzziah) |
44 |
3087 |
44 |
Jotham (1Ch3: 11-17, 2Ch26:1) |
43 |
3130 |
45 |
Ahaz |
44 |
3174 |
46 |
Hezekiah |
44 |
3218 |
47 |
Manasseh |
44 |
3262 |
48 |
Amon |
43 |
3305 |
49 |
Josiah |
44 |
3349 |
Sl. No. of Generations |
Period |
Declared Age |
Name of Generations in Serial Order |
Age of Fathers at Birth (years) |
Age of World at Birth (years) |
Span of Various Periods (years) |
50 |
David to Jesus Christ |
76.725 |
Jehoiakim (1Ch3:15-16) |
44 |
3393 |
51 |
Jeconiah |
43 |
3436 |
52 |
Shealtiel |
44 |
3480 |
53 |
Zerubbabel |
44 |
3524 |
54 |
Abiud |
43 |
3567 |
55 |
Eliakim |
44 |
3611 |
56 |
Azor |
44 |
3655 |
57 |
Zadok |
43 |
3698 |
58 |
Akim |
44 |
3742 |
59 |
Eliud |
44 |
3786 |
60 |
Eleazar |
43 |
3829 |
61 |
Matthan |
44 |
3873 |
62 |
Jacob |
44 |
3917 |
63 |
Joseph |
43 |
3960 |
64 |
Jesus Christ |
44 |
4004 |
1354 |
- 1. A member named as Cainan was present in between generation 12 & 13 according to St.Luke 3:36, but further details are not available as per relevant descriptions in the book of Genesis.
- 2. Another member also has to be present in between the generations 51 & 64 (between exile to Babel & Jesus Christ) according to St. Mat 1: 17. But further details are not available.
- 3. Accordingly, the total number of generations from Adam to Jesus Christ is reached to the figure 66. However, this will not make any major changes to the table above as the age of the fathers at birth from 23rd generation onwards was calculated on an average basis with respect to the declared age.
Chapter - 7
God has given the first place to man among His creations. World and all creatures in it were made for man and everything was entrusted to him under his control. Hence, all creatures were created, assigned its respective position and then only God has given shape to man. Not only that, he was made little lower than God at own image and likeness and all glory and honor assigned to him. Then, while we study about this world, there is no significance for a study by ignoring the man who comes in the first place of creation. Therefore, let it be briefly examine the various stages that passing through the life span of a man.
Each man from his creation in this world up to the reach of end of life, different stages are seen being passed. But no major differences are seen between various stages of an average man except that somebody is removed from this world before passing on to all stages. Let us briefly think as what are the boundaries of various stages and what is the change in character on its passing on, based on the things that we are seeing before us. The period from the time a man is created in the belly of mother up to the removal from this world can be classified into six stages as embryo, infant, child, youth, adult, and aged.
The first stage of man is the one in which the man is being in the stage of embryo within mother’s belly. The baby, who created in the belly of mother through male contact, maturing in this stage with a period nearing to 10 months is passing to the infant stage, the next stage in this world, by birth. Even if the period of this stage can be varied by 4 - 5 days, this is considered as a constant period as far as an average man is considered. This can be interpreted as 9.3 months in terms of months or 0.775 years in terms of years or 1/100th in the ratio of total life span (For details read with the end of this chapter). With the term span of life, generally we mean the lifetime of a man in this world excluding the embryo stage. This period is also normally meant by the term age. This means that the period of embryo that being in the belly of mother is accepted to be in an entirely different world in relation to the remaining stage. Even if the lifetime of various peoples is different, their average has to be accepted as the one, which the God has ordered and assigned to the human beings. The usage declared age in the rest of the chapter is meant for the same. The counting of age of a man is also in the same method right from the birth. However, note that the stage of embryo also to be included with the total lifetime of man. The baby transferred to this world by birth is starting the infant stage. Whereas there are notable differences between embryo and infant, let us examine what are the major differences between infant and the next stage of child. The character, conduct and ability of the baby are seen with notable differences while the baby is reaching to child from infant stage. An infant stage is interpreted to be the hand-ridden stage of the baby. On passing over to child hood, self-walking capacity is attained. Capability to identify the parents and relatives is attained. Food is changed. Change in dressing style is desired. The protection of parents is essential at the infant stage, or to pass over the infant stage can be said as impossible without a guardian. This period can be fixed as about 2 years from the birth of baby.
The child reaching to childhood from the stage of infant is being matured physically and mentally. By the age of about 15 years he is reaching to the stage of youth. Whereas at infant stage the affection and protection of parents were essential, the desire of child at this stage is turned towards his friends of same age group. At this stage, the important mission entrusted with the child is to complete the primary education successfully. For this, the ‘teacher’ is the person to whom the parents put into this responsibility. At this stage the usage child, itself is entirely related with the usage of child and the teacher. Our normal usage about a student while school studies is child and that of college is youth.
Whereas the overall aim at childhood is to attain the general and spiritual education, it is being developed in the next stage of youth. But the mode among each individual will be different. While somebody aim for higher education, others search for the means of their existence. At this stage, the physical and mental growth is seen to have the same importance. The desire to own a life partner is also originated at this stage. It has also to be understood that there are no visible differences between youth and adult.
Adult is the stage of a man in which his physical and mental growth has reached to its full maturity. Physically speaking, the time at which the man reach to be re-productive is the boundary of youth and adult. "Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are sons born in one's youth" says David in Psalms (Psa 127:4). This makes clear that an adult as the boundary of youth has a rigid relation with the capacity of reproduction. Joe 1:8, Mal 2:14,15 all such Bible verses have the combined usage of youth, husband, wife and children. Thinking mentally, the time at which the man is getting capable for thinking, acting, decision taking and caring his family independently is the starting of adult stage. Though a man enters into his married life at the age 25 – 27 years, the age at which he is changed from youth to adult has to be fixed as 21 years, considering the above factors generally. Even if the length of child, youth and adult stages are same in all people, it has to be mentioned that there are also certain differences while we consider male, female classifications. At the same time male, female classification do not seen to have much significance on total life span. Therefore, the length of various stages mentioned as above may be generally considered as the average span with this variance duly accounted. The adult stage shall be specially remembered as the only stage where the man can/ shall live independently. All the remaining stages in life span could be passed on only under the care of an individual, visible or invisible. Therefore the life partner coming under the list of a caretaker at this stage is optional and the option is resting with the individuals. This stage can be considered as the golden stage of human life. The wedding as desired by any person at his child, youth stages is fulfilled in this period. Whereas the family life was originated at the creation of world by giving a suitable partner to Adam, here in this stage, by giving suitable partner and children through them, God blesses them. Whereas the capacity of reproduction is gained at the starting of adult stage, by the starting of next stage of aged, it is getting lost. The last stage of a man in his life in the world is also the same. Not only this, the reduction in power of eyes, graying of hair etc. also considered as the starting of aged. "Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me," the David’s prayer itself reveals the fact that the stage of aged is rigidly related with graying of hair. 1Sam 12:2, Job 15:10, Pro 20:29, Isa 46:4, all this Bible verses show the usage in relation with the aged and the graying of hair related each other. Even if the visible assistance of others seems to be not necessary at the initial stages of aged, it becomes as a must towards its end. Whereas the own father was the caretaker of man during his childhood, his own son becomes the caretaker at the aged. While viewing based on the above information, it can be seen that the adult stage is displaced by the aged by the starting of the age of about 44 years.
The aged, the last stage of man in this world, is different from all other stages. It was mentioned above that each stage of a human being is correspondingly same to others for its duration. But the salient feature to be seen in this stage is that the length of the stage is different in different peoples. By the end of aged, the life in this world is ending and we are entering to a new chapter. Besides, it is also being seen and understood from our day to day life that when this end will happen cannot be forecast by a human being or science but known to God. But it is to be specially said that this end will not cross certain fixed boundary.
The life span of peoples from Adam to Noah was more than 900. At the time of Noah, it was reduced to 120. But by the time of Moses it was again reduced to 70 – 80 range. "The length of our days is seventy years or eighty, if we have the strength; yet their span is but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass, and we fly away" (Psa 90:10) is what we see in Psalms through the prayer of Moses. This is the relevant context in Bible where the life span of modern man has been specified authoritatively. As per this, the life span of an average person comes to 75 years. An important difference to be highlighted here from the time of Noah is that, while on those days the change in life span was fixed to a constant figure, here with reference to the modern man, the revised life span is a figure within the range of 70 and 80. To limit this as just to the figure of 75 as the mere average of these figures may not be fully fairly logic. So some of the other features related with this target also to be considered to its continuation.
If we examine the death happening around us daily excluding the immature, casual deaths, it can be seen that the average age at death is more than 75. But there is no meaning in considering this beyond 80. At the same time, the chronic aged grand fathers and grand mothers being alive are not forgotten. Recently, the grand father of world was reported to have dead at the age of 110. But this shall be treated as isolated events or not regular in common human life.
According to Hindu methodology, a man to be alive to see 1000 rises of moon means he has done good deeds in his life time and crossed the normal span of life. If we take 12 moons for 354 days, to complete 1000 moons, an age of only [(354 x 1000)/(12x365) = 80.8] 81 years need to be completed. Accordingly, an average life span comes to be less than 81 years.
Now let us examine again the first man Adam. The first father, Adam, is an example to humankind for character, conduct, image and everything including sin. Therefore itself, the life span of the modern man, while taking in proportion to the life span of first man Adam, is seen to come as coinciding within the purview of all the above considerations. Therefore, the life span of an average person has been taken in relation to Adam. It has been indicated in the first half of the last chapter that the Adam lived 930 years and the 1/100th portion of this he might have been within the Garden of Eden and the remaining 99/100th outside the garden. If we consider the total lifetime of 930 years as 930 months in proportion to a modern man, the total life span in this world is obtained as 930/12 = 77.5 years. If we consider the 0.775 year, the 1/100th of this corresponding to the maturity period of embryo as equivalent to the life time of Adam within the Garden of Eden and the 76.725 years, the 99/100th portion corresponding to the life span in this world as equivalent to the life time of Adam outside, the life span of modern man before us is seen to be identical with this. Therefore according to this calculation, the declared life span of modern man can be fixed as 76.725 years within the limits of all the considerations as mentioned above. The six important stages as described above and its duration can be concluded as shown in the following chart.
Table - 2
Various Stages in a Human Life
Sl.No. |
Different Stages |
Duration |
The Nominal Age of Human beings in each Stage |
1 |
Embryo |
1 x 77.5 100 = 0.775 |
2 |
Infant |
2 |
0 - 2 |
3 |
Child |
13 |
2 - 15 |
4 |
Youth |
6 |
15 - 21 |
5 |
Adult |
23 |
21 - 44 |
6 |
Aged |
32.725 |
44 – 76.725 |
Total |
76.725 |
Chapter - 8
Father (mother), son (daughter) and the God, their companionship in the family that they represent is equivalent to heaven or to study more about the heaven which is inaccessible during the lifetime in this world, the family is framed as a symbol of this in the personal life of individuals. This concept has been mentioned in some of the last chapters. The same concept can be examined in the studies related with the world. Because the heaven is His throne and the earth is His footstool. These must be interrelated like the head and leg of a single body. The worships (Holy Mass) being conducted in Christian churches are the repetitions and recollections in correlation with prayers and glorification to God Almighty of the various events from creation of world to its end especially from the birth of Christ to His Second Arrival. This is also an alternative to transfer these events and faiths to the generations being newly formed. In the same method, corresponding to the symbolization of heaven, the symbols of world are to be thought being transferred to the new generations through them.
The events happened in this world until now, the time elapsed and the important peoples ever lived have been recorded by history even incomplete. But whether we received any symptoms for the remaining period of world, important events to be happened etc. and how those related each other based on the Holy Words, such things need to be subjected to studies.
Various religious believers are keeping up different concepts and opinions on this subject, based on their religious books. Although various symptoms and hints are available generally, all religious books are seen silent about those periods and its duration. On the above circumstances, a comparative study related with the world is seen significant.
Even if the world coming at the beginning of creation and the man coming at the last are different in its timing, he has taken from the dust, to be returned to dust and this world and all belongings were created and given under his control. The first place in creation is also to him. This two factors as in the line of the aim of their creation, like the beginning, its intervals and end must be related. It is in the light of above thoughts that the inspiration of a comparative study connecting this world and the human beings here has arisen and its various stages have been briefed in last chapters. Let us examine these again individually.
If the chart given at the end of the last two chapters are scrutinized, no major similarities are seen to be existing other than the number of various periods of world and the various stages of man are same. Therefore, a study rather in deep is coming to be essential. For this, to prepare a chart as given at the end of this chapter would be helpful. Let us start from the embryo, the first stage of man. We saw the period of growth of embryo as 0.775 year. We have also taken into consideration that the total lifetime of an average person from his creation as 77.5 years (Read with last chapter). Then the maturity period of embryo is the 1/100th of total lifetime. While the lifetime of Adam is considered at the same proportion, 930 x 1/100 = 9.3 ≈ 9 years are considered as corresponding to the lifetime inside the Garden of Eden.
As the man and the world are having major difference for its lifetime and the comparison is with man, taking the duration of various periods of the world in multiples of life span of a man would be more logic. But a major problem here is the age of man at various periods of world was different. But this problem was overcome by taking the criteria of dividing the world into various periods as the life span of man itself. If we examine the 20 generations from Adam to Abraham, it is seen that Adam lived 930 years and that Noah in the 10th generation 950 years. The maximum life span as recorded in the Bible is 969 years, the person Methuselah. But at the time of Noah the age of man has been reduced to 120 years (Gen 6: 3). But this order was made into effect stage by stage, which can be understood, if we verify the age of the rest of generations. That is, this new 'reforms' declared at the time of Noah was made into fully effective at the time of Israelites in the 23rd generation. Abraham 175 years, Isaac 180 years, Jacob 147 years and Joseph 110 years, thus the lifetimes have been recorded. Thus, the age was different in different periods. Even then, the declared age of second stage from Adam to Noah is considered as related with the first man Adam, the most important person at this stage who was originated through creation of God. The average age at death of the important personalities of this stage is also coming as more or less identical to this figure. While considering based on the assessments that 99/100th portion of 930 years on comparison with man, Adam was out of the Garden of Eden, and thereby considering declared age as 930 x 99/100 [GC1] ≈ 921 years, the length of the period is 1047/921 = 1.137 man-age
As the declared age of 1332 years, the third stage from Moses to Noah, has been given as a fixed figure of 120, the length of this period is 1332/120 = 11.100 man-age.
From Moses to Christ, the declared age of fourth and fifth stage has been taken as 76.725 same as prevailing now. Therefore the duration of the period of 262 years of fourth stage from Moses to David is 262/76.725 = 3.415 man-ageand that of 1354 years of fifth stage from David to Jesus Christ is 1354/76.725 = 17.648 man-age.
Thus the total length of the period from Adam to Christ is 1.137+11.100+3.415+17.648 = 33.300 (≈ 33.333) man-age. Here also no similarity can be claimed for length of world with man. At the same time if we fix the last stage from Christ as 25.575 man-age and all the stages are multiplied by the fraction 100/76.725, we get the total length of world as 76.725 man-age. (See the columns 6 & 10 in the table). The integer 100 used here is the average age of human beings from expelled Adam to the end of world. This was calculated from the 3, 4 columns of table. i.e., 5957/58.908 = 101.12 ≈ 100. See the analysis of the table given in the next chapter.
In the comparison between the world and man, only the length of various stages has been examined above. But it is necessary to verify what are the other similarities based on the important personalities sent to world in each stage, important events and the various schemes of God implemented then and there for the salvation of man.
Let us start with the lifetime of Adam at the initial stage from the Garden of Eden. Lord (Father) God made man with the dust from earth at His own image and likeness and put him in the Garden of Eden. Here the father (mother) marks up the origination of son (daughter) through creation at his/ her own image and likeness and hence he/she is formed in the belly of mother. The Lord Himself was the owner of Garden of Eden. The man is getting sinned through woman. Here the symbol is own mother. 'My mother conceived me in sin', says David. Beyond this sin, only one man has been recorded to have ever originated from woman through birth, according to history. That is the Son of God, Jesus Christ Himself. Adam, the creation of God is His son itself (Luk 3:38). By creating man as own son, God aims him to follow and obey His laws and orders, grow up along with Him and getting pleasure through this. The man's desire through creation of his son is also the same. At the same time, whereas God was grieved by the creation of man, the family life nowadays repeats the same.
The sinned man thus subjected to Lord's curse. 'Your whole lifetime you remain with distress, the plants in the field will be your food, till you return to dust you will survive with the sweat on your eye brow' says to man. 'I will make your pregnancy too difficult, you will give birth to your children painfully, your desire will be to your husband, he will rule over you', says to woman. 'I will make enmity between you and the woman, yours offspring and hers, he will strike your head, you will break his heel', says God to serpent. In order to cultivate in the land from where he was taken, Lord God expelled him from the Garden of Eden, thus he expelled him out; it was described like this. It can be interpreted that corresponding to this punishment of God, man from his embryo stage in mother's belly equivalent to the life inside the Garden of Eden is transferred to this world having sin and evil by the process of birth. May be as a symbol of sorrow due to this punishment, any of the babies is entering to this world by crying.
Even if God formulated His words of curse with in the Garden of Eden, it is assumed as became effective to them after getting out. Here also it is to be specifically said that, as far as a man is related, the above words of curse are becoming effective only after transferred to this world through birth. Whereas the caretaker of Adam at this stage is Lord God, the owner of Garden of Eden, the caretaker of the baby in the embryo stage is his/ her father/ mother. Not only this, in those days only the man of Adam (Eve) from the humanity were there in the Lord's Garden of Eden, now a days the 'Garden of Eden' is arranged for each of the babies.
Whereas in the first stage God prepared to punish man so unkindly, in the second stage of Adam to Noah, here again decided to punish him as his thoughts of heart were seen to be packed up with evil. But from this punishment Lord gave chance to escape for the peoples who believe Him. In this period having a length of ten generations, He has made this effective through Noah, an aged man in the last generation who believed in Lord and was graced by Him. Corresponding to this, within the limits of infant stage of man having a length of two years, all peoples from all categories of religions and castes are seen undergoing a function with an outlook of a salvation (redemption). Based on the faith in the respective religions, this may be a function of baptism, circumcision, non-circumcision or any other similar categories.
If we consider the case of Christians, all denominations are seen believing in child baptism except a very few. The baby, who has undergone to child baptism, is believed to have reached to the status of redemption. Whereas God then entrusted Noah, the aged man who was graced from God, to preside this ceremony, now father deputes the most senior person from his family having faith in God as the mediator to this mission. Then, God has taken care about the whole peoples in the world by Himself. All the conversations and orders of God with man were direct. At the infant stage the caretaker of man in this world is own father (mother) themselves.
Now let us think the next period of Noah to Moses. The corresponding human life is in his childhood. Whereas the overall caretaker of world is the Lord (Father) God, here the father takes this responsibility. Even if God extended His unlimited love to the world and He led them through signs and miracles, they were not prepared to be faithful or obedient to Him. In those periods, by foreseeing the safety of man itself, God gave different punishments to them, which were never made later like this (Psa 78). Children becoming disobedient and own father giving punishments to them are at this same stage.
Speaking about this period the most important event that we see is the God's appointment of Moses to care His peoples. God brings His salvation plans into force through great peoples like Moses and Aaron. As far as Old Testament is considered, Moses was the person selected by God, who has been pictured as equivalent to Jesus Christ, the Son of God in the Old Testament. Moses did the mission admirably and the rest of the portion after him was being transferred to Joshua. As far as the childhood of a man is concerned, the personality who can be considered in place of Moses is the man who is assigned by his father to provide him knowledge and wisdom or to educate him the rules and regulations of this world. This person is called as the 'teacher'. This person has a respectable position in the society. Especially in ancient Indian culture, the teacher who rendered the primary education is accorded with a respectable position equivalent to own father or even more. In the special ceremonies like the wedding of man, this person is respected and honored specifically. Even if the father is highly educated or genius, another person is being entrusted with this mission.
Again, the method that God has brought His plans into force at the time of Moses can also be examined. The directions that the man has to obey and follow were being given by writing it in stone tablets under the title 'Ten Commandments'. If we examine Ten Commandments, we could understand that those are the rules and regulations that a man has to follow in this world as well as the relations to keep up between God and man. This has been given more emphasis. Within the age of fifteen years, being the limits of childhood, what we are rendering to our children through education is also nothing but this. All peoples of the world except a very few are subjected to this process. Whereas God gave His commands through planned Ten Commandments, our children nowadays undergo their general and spiritual primary education through the planned ten classes. It can be seen that in almost all countries of the world the time limit of primary education has been arranged in this way.
The length of world has been calculated based on the genealogy of Christ, the Son God. If Noah, the savior of last stage is a member of this genealogy, Moses in this stage is not a member of that chain. He was from the third generation of Levi's tribe. Here, if the mediator of redemption at infant stage is an own family member, the 'mediator' of education at the childhood is not a family member.
The three stages from Adam to Moses were classifieds based on the declared age. But the remaining three stages from Moses were divided bases on God's plan implemented to save His peoples as there was no change in life span of man. Viewing accordingly, the fourth stage from Moses to David corresponding to the ruling time of Judges, has to be seen equivalent to the least spanned stage of youth. The most influenced persons at this stage of man are his friends of same age group. A man travelling in straight ways or selecting a curved path in life, all are depending upon his friends selected by him or influenced to him. As seen in last stages the peoples who are in companionship with him are not his family members. The members in the genealogy of Jesus Christ were never the rulers under the list of Judges. To rule the God's peoples Israelites in accordance with Moses' Law was God's expectation through these rulers. But as they failed in this, Israelites uniquely demanded king's rule like other tribes and that is how they got the king's rule established. Thus, David was crowned as the first king from the members of Jews and from the chain of genealogy of Jesus Christ. Later 19 kings from this genealogy ruled Israelites continuously. The fifth stage from David to Jesus Christ excluding last certain years from exile to Babylon can be generally called as the time of king's rule.
The equivalent stage of man is the fifth stage of adult. This is the golden stage of a man. It is in the beginning of adult stage that the man is getting his life partner and blessing with children through them. What God says about this uniting, an item in God's plan, is 'he will unite to his wife leaving the father and mother, they will become one flesh'. If the caretaker at the initial stages were own parents, here own husband (wife) takes that responsibility. Whereas the friends in last stage were not a family member, here the husband (wife), the caretaker of this stage, becomes the family member through marriage. Also, selecting a partner from among the relatives is also not so common. The administration was taken back from other castes and then David from the genealogy of Jesus Christ was crowned and hence the successors of that family were continuing as kings.
According to Christian methodology, the wedding ceremony is the function in which the bridegroom and the bride are designated as the king and queen of that family. Thus, both of them are crowned with heavenly crown. The prayers of the wedding ceremony itself are arranged accordingly. They pledge as the caretaker each other. The receptions giving to them by the peoples including the family members are having a royal touch.
The genealogy of Jesus Christ is again significant at this stage. That is, by becoming the bridegroom and bride as husband and wife, the related two families are also being united. Whereas there was only one genealogy up to David, the first king and 33rd member of this genealogy, later it is divided into two, one through king Solomon as the genealogy of His father Joseph and the other through Nathan, another son of David, as the genealogy of His mother Mary. These two are again united through Christ. Thus, both genealogies are being signified. The interval between generations are more in the branch of Joseph and also that the royal touch is remembered to be in the same branch.
The third, fourth and fifth stages while thinking jointly based on the plans of God to save man, it can be generally categorized as the period of prophets. Noah can be considered as the first prophet of the world. The last one is John the Baptist who was sent before Christ. Following Noah, a series of prophets were sent to this world. They all are considered to have visited here within a period of about 3000 years before Christ. The mission entrusted with them was to preach about Kingdom of God and to give advance information about the events to be happened later. Otherwise, whereas the God's plans to be revealed were done by Himself before, it was being carried out in these periods through selected prophets. In the light of this revelations peoples will come closer to God, that might be His expectations. These prophets have been classified as major and minor in accordance with the extent of mission entrusted with them. Such information has already been shared in certain chapters before. How these symbolized in the child, youth and adult stages of a man have to be examined.
In today's life the 'prophets' who preach us God's word and the mediation between Him and us are our spiritual ancestors themselves. All the religions contain many spiritual leaders in various positions. All except a few belong to any one of the religions. Their directions, spiritual advises and preaches are influencing us in our child, youth and adult stages. Through this spiritual fathers we experience the glory of God. It is to them that the permission to submit offerings before God on behalf of us was given. They are the peoples who preside all of our spiritual ceremonies. Accordingly, we honor, respect, and give them fair position in society. Their faith is followed. Even after their expiry, they are remembered. "Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith" (Heb 13 : 7) - says Bible. "As for the saints who are in the land, they are the glorious ones in whom is all my delight"(Psa 16: 3) says David. By the end of this stage, God's policy of salvation through punishment is more or less avoided. Here own father is seen avoiding his policy of punishment with respect to the childhood.
It is as the last package of God to save world, God sent His own Son to the world. Corresponding to this, man enters to his old age as the last stage in this world. Whereas Lord (Father) God took care to look after world at the initial stage, this mission has been entrusted with the Son God at this final stage. Here, while the responsibility to look after him at the initial stages were taken by his own father (mother), that responsibility goes to own son (daughter) at the final stage of the aged. Even if Lord God used the policy to save through punishments at the initial stages, this method is seen avoided gradually towards the end. However, the Son God never punished or tried to punish anybody according to the Holy Book. Further, when the peoples insisted the Son God to stone the sinned woman, he has taken the attitude that 'the sinless man may stone her first'. However, he was particular to advise her that not to sin anymore. In the present world, there is no system of punishing a father by the son. Even there is no hearing of such incidents.
Even if the end of life can be come across any time as far as a man is concerned, he feels a fear of death or to get ready to face the death is only at the old age. As far as the world is concerned, a real picture as how the world will end is passed on to the world through the preaches and teachings of the Son God. Whereas the Ten Commandments were implemented strictly at the initial stages of God's direct care, it was reviewed at the time of Son God to match with the time and nature of man either by making it hard or soft. Not only that this Ten Commandments were interpreted as Two Commandments as the relation between 'God and man' and 'man and man'. If we examine the life of today's man, whereas the directions of father and teachers are forced to follow at childhood strictly, the directions of son is getting relaxed while nearing to old age. The right to take timely decision at aged is seen more comparing to child hood. Even if the initial stages of aged do not need assistance from son, it becomes a must towards the end. This is the same what we are seeing in today's world. Whereas the world was ready to avoid the Son Christ on those days, we are going to the end of a period when the viscinity of Son is a must towards the end of world.
If the above specialties have an identical nature to the world events at the various periods, some other features are also visible while viewing generally. The most important among those are the important personalities described in Holy Bible (world history) are either the members of the genealogy of Jesus Christ or related with them and they are coming at the turning point of various periods/ stages. Speaking in other words, all important persons deputed to the God's plan to save man remain equivalent to the caretaker of today's human life. Like the periodical cycle of this world, the various stages of man are moving in one direction. That is, a man does not get back the days he passed. From the up to date human life, the two eternal truth that we understand and generally accepted are the death will follow birth and Jesus Christ, the savior, will come again. The end of two factors subjected to comparison is related with this. The uncertainty exists only in the happenings as which would be first, when and how. Thus, the two factors initiated through first Adam on the background of Garden of Eden are fulfilled through Jesus Christ, the Second Adam, on its end. See a brief of the above in tabular form appended below as table -3
Bible is not a book of science or literature. However, if the contents are considered as a science the term 'theology' being used here is meaningful such that no competitive developments in science were ever recorded comparing to the overall contents and targets of this book. Also it is to be highlighted that even at this time when the scientific developments are at its peak, there are no conflicts between Bible and science. Darwin's theory of evolution is the one exception that can be fingered. However, this could not be proved beyond doubt and hence still remains as a failure in modern science. Bible is the history of genealogy of Jesus Christ from its origin. The important members of this genealogy were described in detail. Bible is also a reflection of the various stages of each human life from the birth to death, which is passing through the equivalent path parallel to the same genealogy.
Table - 3 (Part -I)
The Comparison of World with Man
The Various Periods of World |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
Name of Period |
Declared Age (years) |
Span of Period (years) |
Span of Period (In terms of man-age) |
Proportional Span of Period (years) |
Proportional Span of Period (In man-age) |
Care-taker |
The mode of care-taking |
A |
From World Creation to Expulsion of Adam |
930 |
9.3 ≈ 9 |
1/100 |
(3)x100 76.725 |
(4)x100 76.725 |
Lord (Father) God |
The Lord created man to His own image and likeness and put him in the Garden of Eden. The man was expelled to a world of sin due to sin |
B |
The expelled Adam to Noah |
921 |
1047 |
1.137 |
1365 |
1.482 |
Lord (Noah) |
Punishing again through water. But a chance of salvation is given for those who believed |
C |
Noah to Moses |
120 |
1332 |
11.100 |
1736 |
14.467 |
Lord (Moses) |
Prophets |
Appointing Moses to release His peoples from slavery. The laws and regulations are given as Ten Commandments |
D |
Moses to David |
76.725 |
262 |
3.415 |
341 |
4.451 |
Judges |
God reveals the mysteries through prophets (C,D,E). The Judges rule Israelites |
E |
David to Jesus Christ |
76.725 |
1354 |
17.648 |
1765 |
23.000 |
Kings |
Various kings from Jews were assigned to rule them |
E1 |
Total |
3995 |
≈ 33.333 |
5207 |
≈ 43.392 |
F |
Jesus Christ to End of World |
76.725 |
1962 |
25.575 |
2558 |
33.333 |
The Son God (Jesus Christ) |
The Lord God brings the world under the control of Son. Avoiding the system of punishments for salvation |
F1 |
Total |
5957 |
58.908 |
7765 |
76.725 |
Table - 3 (Part -II) The Comparison of World with Man |
The Various Stages of Man |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
A |
Name of Stage |
Span of Stage (years) |
Age in Serial (Years) |
Care-taker |
The Mode of Care-taking |
B |
Embryo |
[0.775/77.5] = 1/100 |
Father (Mother) |
The father (mother) marks up the origination for creation of Son (daughter) in own image and likeness and thus formed in mother's belly. The man who created in sin is expelled to the world of sin through birth. |
C |
Infant |
2 |
0 - 2 |
Father (The eldest in the Family) |
Spiritual Leaders) |
By baptism coming to the status of redemption through the eldest in the family. |
D |
Child |
13 |
2 - 15 |
Father (Teacher) |
Appointing the teacher to direct them in the correct path by teaching the rules and regulations of world. |
E |
Youth |
6 |
15 - 21 |
Friends and Relatives |
The spiritual fathers preach us God's words (C,D,E). Friends influence in the stage of youth. |
E1 |
Adult |
23 |
21 - 44 |
Husband (Wife) |
Through the sacrament of wedding husband (wife) is crowned with heavenly crown as the king (queen). The golden stage of human life. |
F |
≈ 43.392 |
F1 |
Aged |
33.333 |
44 - 76.725 |
Son (Daughter) |
The man who became aged comes under the care of son (daughter). By the end, the care of son (daughter) becomes essential. |
Total |
76.725 |
Chapter - 9
The Single God in the visualization of Trinity containing Father, Son and Holy Spirit is the centralized point of faith in Christian terminology. There is unity in the Trinity. The contents are one. All are having equal position. No one is not less or more than the others are. Though this theology is beyond the limits of grasping power of human beings, the contents would be more revealed to the faithful by the Holy Spirit who fulfils everything. Among this, the Second, the Son, is Christ who has arisen as man to this world to overcome the sin of whole mankind.
The birth of Christ was in the tribe of Judah as the son of Righteous Joseph and Virgin Mary. While the marriage of Joseph with Mary was fixed, before their uniting she conceived a child without male contact but with the Holy Spirit and thus gave birth to her first child as virgin itself. This great event happened in a manger at Bethlehem, a small town in Judea. The Father God had revealed in advance through prophets that the Son God, the second in Trinity, will arise in this world for the sake of sin of the whole humanity with the consent of Father God under the fulfillment of Holy Spirit. It was mentioned in advance that this would be in Bethlehem itself. "A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a Branch will bear fruit" Isa 11: 1); read in the Book of Isaiah. It has been recorded that the Magi came to know the birth of baby exactly and that a star was moving ahead to direct them to reach the place of birth.
Jesus lived in the village of Nazareth during His childhood along with His parents so that the prophet's word as 'He will be called as Jesus the Nazarene' was fulfilled. 'The child grew and became strong, he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was upon him'. Ability was shown even at twelfth age in conceiving the preach of teachers, conversing with them, and speaking beyond the grasping level of parents. Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and men. While He starts His ministry, the age was about thirty years. There is no detailed description of the period in between.
Jesus during his lifetime showed various miracles and signs. He healed patients, gave rise up to the dead and his wisdom and preach were astonished to the common peoples. The lifetime in this world became to be an example to the world. In this world of sin, He lived beyond sin for the sinners, hated sin, but loved sinners. By obeying the rules and regulations of the world, He objected unrighteousness. Expelled the peoples who made the church as place of business transactions. Twelve peoples who were ready to follow Him were selected and posted as disciples. Later these peoples were those who deputed to preach the gospel at various places of the world. Although, He is the Son God, prayed to Father God, and thus the significance of prayer was made understood to the disciples. Even if our daily needs are significant in prayer, the actual target of prayer is that 'May Your will be on earth as that of heaven or may the Kingdom of God itself be on the earth'. The Commandments that God gave at the time of Moses itself were clarified to the world through timely interpretations. Corresponding to do not commit adultery, do not commit murder, the interpretations such as, the man who looks a woman to get her is committing adultery and the man who gets angry with his brother is murdering, are some among these. The Lord Christ was the one who had been tempted in everything like us except sin. For the welcome procession at the last feast, the donkey, the most degraded creature, was the one that He selected Himself for His journey. Even this creature lives in the memory of the believers forever.
Thus, whereas He showed to the world as the Son of God through His life of simplicity and was accorded with welcome procession related with the feast of Passover, later to catch Him as guilty and sentence to death punishment by the same peoples and the same reasons are only the decision of God. For a group of peoples having only miracles and powerful deeds in their imagination of God, it was a fact that they could not conceive a God becoming powerful through simplicity and powerless. To prompt by Judas the disciple to whom He loved and believed until then, to abuse and beat by own peoples and at last, to crucify to death like thieves and murderers were what happened. At that time the sun was darkened, the curtain of temple was torn into two, earth was shaken, rock was broken, graves were opened, the dead bodies of the saints were arisen, like this, the Holy Words recorded. The cross that was considered as most degraded and cursed until then became the most holy and the sign of salvation.
Thus, the very cruelly murdered Christ arose on the third day of burial. The arisen Christ appeared to His disciples and various others and thus that great truth was convinced to the world. He also made the declaration that He will come again with His full glory and power to give the remuneration to all according to the deeds of each one and sentence the whole world in justice. He was taken up to the sky followed by the instruction to His disciples to preach this great truth to the extent of world. Thus taken up to the heaven and lives along with the Father. This is the great hope and the most important mission entrusted with them.
Christians are those who blindly believe as Christ is the Son of God, based on Holy Words. There is nothing unusual in this. Because, 'Blessed are those who believe without see', is the principle of Bible. Other religious books also keep the same policy. It is not practical to believe only after seeing and understanding the God completely. Bible witnesses that nobody has ever seen God. Even Moses selected by God to lead His peoples could not be fulfilled his desire to see God. The man was not favored with his eyes as powerful as to see the creator of the whole universe is the fact. However, Lord appeared to Moses without detrimental to his life so that he could see only the backside by standing in the cleft of stone, according to Bible (Exo 33: 20 - 23). Like wise, to understand God completely is also not practical. Although all the belongings of world have been given under the control of man and that he has been favored with wisdom and knowledge, a fulfillment in this aspect cannot be claimed. That means, an approach of developing the knowledge of man in science and technology by new discoveries does not have significance in this case. So, the faith is signified in all religions.
As far as the God is concerned, we do not know anything about Him other than what He intended to reveal us through the angels, Holy Words, prophets or by own Son. It would be more accurate to interpret that even the developments in science and technology attaining by man from time to time are only the things that the God desires to reveal to him on those days about the world. For this, God selects a suitable person as only a mediator.
While we enter to the third millennium of Christian Era, we are proud of saying that the scientific developments are at its peak. However, we should be realized about its limitations also.
Computers that can be included among the latest inventions of modern man and influenced his life largely had about to face a major crisis through the Y2K phenomenon at the same moment of the onset of millennium. Transportation, communication, finance, health and in all such fields related with the day to day life of human beings, computer plays a major roll. Though there was no possibility of a crisis according to experts, the remedial measures to face this problem were also planned. Due to the scarcity of travelers, some aircraft companies were reported to have stopped their services on this day. Thus if the latest inventions of the man are turning against him right from the initial moments of new millennium, it is beyond our forecast as how it will respond in the coming days and what new events else may have to be witnessed.
It was clarified by Astronomy that the man cannot investigate up to the full extent of universe and by Physical Science that the terminology of atom cannot be explored to its ultimatum. Modern man could be directed clearly and properly only through spiritual visualization. Vedas, Bible, Quran all these finger to this universal truth. While analyzing and studying on this outlook, the mysteries being hidden for science will be more exposed to humanity.
Whereas the important events in the life of Christ like His birth, miracles, preaches, death, rising up, taking up to heaven etc. are sufficient enough to the believers for the faith in Christ based on Holy Words, while watching from outside the religious framework, how these represent the peoples of world is the one intended to think of briefly by the rest of this chapter.
The origin of humanity in this world was from the Garden of Eden. The scattering of the expelled man to various portion of the world might have been centralized with the Garden of Eden. Even if it is not clear as where the Garden of Eden was, it has been recorded that the God made this at east. It is said that this was in the present Iraq. There is also an another presumption as this was at Bahrain. Anyhow, it is beyond doubt that this was at Middle East.
The field of action of Jesus Christ was also mainly at the Middle East. There are indications in Bible about the eastern countries also including Hindustan (India). But no more description is seen to have existed about western countries. Because, even if God created the world altogether, western countries were discovered and populated only at modern days. This has been endorsed by the history also. Reviewing on such basis, even if more details are not available geographically and historically, the small town of Bethlehem, the place witnessed the great event for the birth of Christ that the world never saw till then or after, can be considered as the middle of the then populated world. Thus the birth of the Son of God, who has been designated as 'The lamb of God to bear the sin of world' by John the Baptist, was at 'the middle among the peoples' of world.
John the Baptist was the one sent in advance to pilot His path. The same John who was preaching the Kingdom of God at that time was the one baptized Christ. About John the Baptist, it has been recorded that there is no one greater than him among those who took birth from woman. Mary selected by God, who gave rise to His birth in this world, said in the fulfillment of Holy Spirit that the whole world would praise her as the blessed. Mary is considered as virgin, saint and the glorified by the whole world and remembered forever.
In this world, generally a chronology was developed and it is remembered based on the birth of Christ. Until then the chronology was only localized related with the ruling time of the local rulers. By writing or saying a date, it corresponds to its contents as so much years, months and days were elapsed since the birth of Christ. This is an essential item in all our correspondences. Even if there are different chronologies in the world, the one that generally accepted and adopted by the whole world is the Christian Era itself. Another thing seems to be interesting in this is the system of locating an event before Christ by the generally accepted counting back since Christ. This means the span of world itself has been divided into two as Before Christ and After Christ or the time of Old Testament and New Testament. The Eon of Law and the Eon of Grace, such usage is also in force. Thus, Christ is the man of eon who came by the middle of eons.
The various events, interpretations and preaches related with the life of Jesus Christ from His birth to taking up to heaven are understood by us from the Gospels entered in the Bible written by four disciples who lived at the same time. But these four did not record the exact lifetime of the Son God in this world. An only description related with the age is seen in Gospel of St. Luke as "Now Jesus himself was about thirty years old when he began his ministry" (Luk 3: 23). But there are indications in the gospels as He participated in three feasts of Passover during the ministry. The end of life was also related with one of the feasts of Passover. Based on such information, His lifetime in this world while glorification on cross may have to be between the age of 33 and 34 years. The arrival of our forefathers to the figure of 33½ years as the lifetime of Christ might be in the light of this information.
While we take into account the specialties of arithmetic generally in addition to various other considerations, the most consistent, probable period that the Son God might have lived in this world is 33.333... years. The following features of this figure are significant.
- 1. All the digits in this figure are 3. This represents the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
- 2. This figure extents to infinity. That is, if we put 3 any times to the right of decimals neither the value changes nor the figure ends.
- 3. The remainder 1 we get in the figure 331/3 while we write this in fraction form represents the Son as the one among Trinity.
- 4. The integer 100 we get by the multiplication of this infinite figure with the number 3 as the symbol of Trinity is remained as the symbol of fulfillment.
If the realization of the time and place of birth of Christ exactly by the Magi may be with respect to some calculations, an assessment of the important factors mentioned above that may enlighten to His Second Arrival and the end of world through certain calculations is not felt to be inappropriate.
It would be clear that the various ideas and assessments as described in this book were reached through an approach by giving importance in the theory of arithmetic (numbers). In all the discoveries and developments in science achieved until now, the importance of arithmetic are not at all forgettable. The forefathers of this branch of science are Indians. The computers playing the major roll in the newly developed information technology in modern world itself is the latest example of the importance of number theory. Even if more researches connecting theology with the theory of numbers are not available before us, it deserves an attention to see that the Bible has recorded various important events that are numerically important. Some of the events are given below as example.
- 1. The Lord God rained on earth for forty night and forty days continuously to destroy the world. The Son God prayed for forty nights and forty days by fasting to save the world.
- 2. The Lord God gave the Promised Land to His peoples Israelites as their right by dividing them into twelve tribes. The Son God deputed twelve disciples to develop His peoples of the whole world. Against the one lost, another was appointed.
- 3. Moses, the man of God, was hidden for three months at his infant stage. The prophet Jonah thrown to sea was saved inside the sea fish for three days. Christ, the Son of God, died and put up in grave for three days.
In the light of this let us pay an attention again to the comparison between the world and the man as described in last chapter and the chart appended therein by giving importance to arithmetic. While thinking the results of these studies relating with the life of savior Christ, things are more revealed.
- 1. Even if the genealogy of Jesus Christ was taken into consideration as a tool to calculate the age of world, while reviewing with respect to the results of these studies, the various stages of man are seen passing through an equivalent path in the same proportion of the genealogy of Christ.
- 2. From the expelled Adam to Jesus Christ, the world crossed a period of 33.333 man-age (Table 3 Col. E1x4). The life of Jesus Christ in this world as 33.333 years represents this period.
- 3. The average life of man from world creation to its end calculated in the last chapter as 100 might have been noted. While the living place of Trinity consists of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is the heaven, the place of their uniting in this world is the heart of the individuals. Then there is nothing wrong in considering the lifetime of Son, one among the Trinity, as 100/ 3 = 33.333... years in this world
- 4. Only when multiplying the extent of various stages with the fraction 100/76.725, the total span of world became equivalent to the various stages of man and the last stage of man to that of the lifetime of Christ in this world. In this, 100 is the average lifetime of peoples from creation of world to its end and 76.725 is the declared age of man at the time of birth of Christ. That is, all the above inferences finger to the truth that the world savior Christ represents all the humanity up to the end of world right from its creation.
- 5. The lifetime of Christ in this world i.e., 33.333 years is a clear representation of the period of 33.333 man-age from Christ to the end of world that would be. (Table - 3 Col. F x 6)
- 6. The inferences that we arrived in paragraph 2 and 5 above are leading us to the great truth that the onset of Christ was at the middle of span of the world.
A man entering to married life within the age of 30 years is becoming the father of one or two or even more children within his 35 years is normally seen in our society. Therefore, the average interval between the generations could be taken as 33.333 years in relation with the lifetime of Jesus Christ in this world. Correspondingly the number of generations to be passed during the rest of span of world of 33.333 man-age since Christ is 33.333 x 76.725/ 33.333 = 76.725. The number of generations from Adam to Christ as given in St. Luke chapter 3 is 77. As Christ is related with both, the number of generations before and after Christ, both can be considered as equal to 76.725. Thus Christ, the Son of God, is the one who came by the middle of generations.
All the above findings connected with Jesus Christ show that His onset in this world as man was at a predetermined pre-calculated time in fulfillment of certain criteria. But Bible does not clarify what are those criteria, whereas Gal 4:4 says that "But when the time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under law." But what is this fulfillment of time? Different religious experts have given different explanations to this fulfillment. Now here, it further fingers to an indication that the Second Arrival of Christ would also be upon a fulfillment of a second term in the same stream line as that of the first arrival.
Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the three personalities of Trinity have been prevailing since before creation of world, according to Bible. The Father God Himself was the creator of all. While the creation of sky and earth, the Holy Spirit was acting on the surface of water, according to first verse itself in the first book of Bible. It was made understood to the world through the preaches of Son God that He also prevailed before the creation of world. (Joh 8:58; 17:5,24). It has to be specifically noticed that, to send own Son to the world as the last among various package of God to save world, His life here, agony, death and all the rest were as per the combined decision in advance. As there is no clear description of Jesus Christ in Bible from His 12th age to 30th age, the questions like why He did not appear before people during that time, whether was in Jerusalem and surroundings, etc. were mystified even to religious experts. This disappearance may be as an advance plan to avoid the possibility of a crisis of murder at the interim period, while it was necessary to remain in this world up to this term of time. Not only this, whether any other significance was prevailing in this regard is also not clear from the analysis of spiritual leaders.
Whereas various aspects that the world believes or has to believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God were described above, this chapter would be complete only with a briefing of the necessity of faith, the rules that the faithful shall observe and their duties. Even if this is a topic of extensive nature, by taking care of the target of this book, the description is confined to a few words. Following the Second Arrival of Jesus Christ, resurrection, ruling and judgment thereafter, to get saved from the eternal punishment corresponding to our sin is the necessity to believe in the Son God. Accordingly, as the life beyond sin is come as the basic factor of salvation, it has to be known what is sin and how it is pardoned at least in brief.
Sin is committed while the laws and orders that the God established are disregarded. As none of the creatures other than man were brought under the purview of this law and these were not favored with the power to develop the knowledge, these are beyond sin. Not only that, their life is also ending by this world. The sin of man can be broadly classified into two as sin by birth and sin by deed. The sin by birth is the sin being received by the humanity through their parents right from Adam due to the violation of God's order by him in the Garden of Eden. Thus, the sin getting by birth is not due to one's own deeds. The punishment of this is the spiritual death and the agonies in this world. Thus, whereas Adam died by sin, expelled, distressed, and hence the whole world became sinners, the Jesus Christ came to overcome this sin, took birth in this world beyond the sin by birth, lived with sinners without sin, subjected to distress by own will, died, buried, arisen on third day, taken to the heaven and hence became the resolution to the sin of whole world. Those who believe this completely and worship accordingly are entitled to get the eternal life against the state of dead.
It is because of his own deeds from birth to death, that an individual commits the sin by deed. One who gets eligibility to eternal life overcoming the sin by birth through the faith in Christ, shall have to fulfill the mission by getting the 'sin by deed' that may have come until death forgiven through Christ Himself. The Ten Commandments were the laws prevailing in the period before Christ. The violation of these commandments on those days was sin itself. The remedies that were followed on those days to overcome this were mainly the sacrifices submitted before God. We read different type of sacrifices through slaughtering depending upon the depth of sin. But by the onset of Christ in this world as man, this commandments were modified with various timely explanations, as already mentioned. Not only this, as a totality of these whole commandments, it was taught to the world by dividing into two. The most important commandment among these is that 'Your Lord God shall be loved with full heart, full soul, full mind, and full power'. The second, 'Your neighbors shall be loved as yourself''. No other commandments are there greater than these. Not only that, to follow these was taught to be the most acceptable before God than any other sacrifices. Then, whatever acts coming as violation to these become as sin before God. The first one among these represents the relation between God and man and that of second is between man and man. A person who is proceeding ahead by clubbing both of these is the one reaching to the final victory through the path of cross. But the man in his weakness could not complete these commandments fully in the world of sin. Therefore itself, nobody except the Son is beyond the sin before God.
Christ has got the authority from the Father to forgive any of the sins of any person of the world without any sacrifice, since He offered His own body as the sacrifice for the sinners without a sin by undergoing distress and death by His own will. Thus we believe and hope that the sins committing on day to day life by a person through his weakness will be pardoned through repentance in transaction with God. Bible has recorded that heaven will be more rejoiced about a sinner while his repentance than the other ninety-nine righteous peoples who do not need a repentance. At the same time, it has also been recorded that all the sins will be forgiven except the sin against the Holy Spirit. Viewing likewise, a person is in no way eligible for godly salvation if his deeds in this world are strictly accounted and remunerated. Thus, the ineligible godly salvation getting through repentance is completely the gift of God and is possible only through Christ, the Son of God. During the Judgment according to the deeds of each, following His Second Arrival, for those who did not get their sin forgiven and thereby lost the godly salvation, their disposal would be in burning sulfur and lake of fire.
Chapter - 10
The Second Arrival of Christ and the resurrection are among the most important faiths and hopes of any Christian. The things that revealed to world through the Holy Words are the basis for this. The various events and signs that may have to happen at that time according to Holy Words convince us generally as when this will happen and how. The Second Arrival of Christ, ending of world, resurrection of the dead, judgment etc. are seen interrelated.
The angel appeared to the disciples while they were looking to the arisen Christ on the eve of His taking up to heaven said to them that 'He will come again in the same way as how you saw Him as going up to heaven'. Through the revelations favored to John, He informs us as 'I am coming soon'. The Lord, who declared as coming soon, crossed 2000 years, but not yet come. Then, the meaning of the word soon that used here is signified. Alternatively, whether the arrival of Lord is delayed? If so, what are the bases according to the Holy Words? Whether the things being happened now are the signs of the end days? Such things are to be reviewed. At the same time we read in different places to the meaning that 'these are end days' (e.g. 1Pe 1: 20). This ratifies our inference that the rest of the period of world since the birth of Christ is the last term of world.
There was a talk among the believers in the last time that the arrival of Lord would be before the year 2000 itself. The bases that they were highlighting for this is the Bible verse "But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day"(2Pe 3: 8). The calculations that six-millennium years will be elapsed by 2000 AD since creation of world and the God acted for six days while creation, took relief on the seventh day, may be the interpretation. Anyhow, at this time while crossing the year 2000, this subject of talk became irrelevant. However, the indifferent statements of the world leaders of powerful nations, the wars and war news, and the major disasters being happened here and there are interpreted to be the signs of end days at least by some groups.
The Christ made Himself the end days' events known to the disciples. The relevant portions from St. Matthew chapter 24 are entered below. "For many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am the Christ,' and will deceive many. You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains. Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me. At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now--and never to be equaled again. If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened. For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. Immediately after the distress of those days 'the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken'. At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory. And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other."
The Second Arrival of Lord and the resurrection were revealed through Apostles also. "For the Lord Himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever" (1Th 4: 16,17).
Through the revelation that Christ made to John, what we understand is, those who have participation in the first resurrection are blessed and holy. They will come to life and live with Christ for thousand years. The second death has no right on them. The rest of peoples do not come to life for thousand years. On completion of thousand years, the whole dead shall stand before the throne of judgment. Then there will be judgment for each according to their deeds based on what is written in the Book of Life. The death and Hades will be thrown to the lake of fire. This lake of fire is the second death. Those who do not have their names written in the Book of Life will be thrown to the lake of fire.
Whereas the events and signs that have to be happened were quoted above, that period and time were not at all mentioned. Some other Bible verses also describe similar information on end days. In this situation, the comparative studies between the world and man and the inferences that we reached thereupon as given in last chapter get more emphasized. The important one among those that we reached in the last chapter is that the span of world since the birth of Christ is 33.333 man-age. We have reached to this theory based on the lifetime of three important personalities who have come to this world through births of different types.
- 1. The first man Adam who lived in this world through God's creation and became the father of the whole humanity.
- 2. A representative of modern man who is living and dying in this world as equivalent to Adam including sin originated through worldly common birth from woman.
- 3. The Son God Jesus Christ who came out to this world by the Holy Spirit through uncommon birth from woman to overcome the sin of the whole humanity.
Only these three types of origin of man were witnessed by the world until now.
To calculate rest of the age of world, the man-age (declared age of modern man) plays an important roll. The declared age of man reached as 76.725 years was based on various considerations. Let it be reviewed again. Other religious concepts, the average age of today's man, the prayer of Moses and the lifetime of Adam were the factors based on which we reached the figure of 76.725. But there are also other symbols to be highlighted. That's, there are 76.725 generations from first man Adam to Christ and 76.725 generations from Christ to the end of world (Read with last chapter). This can be considered as the symbol of declared age of modern man. Moreover, the comparison as given in the table may be specifically noted as tallying with the figure of 33.333, only when the age is 76.725. But the most important thing other than these to be underlined is the equivalent lifetime of Jesus Christ, the one among Trinity, in this world. The same calculated as 25.575 years in the next paragraph may be noted. The uniting place of Trinity in this world is the heart of each person. Then, to confirm the declared age of a person as 25.575 x 3 = 76.725 may not be having a second opinion. Therefore the span of time from the birth of Christ to the end of world is 33.333 x 76.725 = 2557.5 years. This can be considered as the first equation.
The same result can be reached to an equivalent equation through some different views. It was seen in the last certain chapters that the period after Christ became equivalent to His lifetime of 33.333 only when the man-age of 25.575 was converted from the declared age of 76.725 prevailed at the time of Christ to the average age of 100 from creation to the end (Table- 3 Col. Fx4 & Fx6). Clarifying again, the actual lifetime of Christ of 33.333 years is based on the average age of 100 years covering the world span and that the equivalent lifetime of 25.575 years is based on the declared age of that time of 76.725 years.
In addition to the actual lifetime represents the whole world humanity ever came, by ratifying the principle that each human life is the uniting place of Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the results of multiplication of these by 3 are reached to the figures 100 and 76.725 respectively. The possibility that John the Baptist who was sent six months in advance to pilot His path, lived with the soul and power of Elijah, may lived for 25.575 years in this world as the symbol of equivalent lifetime, cannot be ruled out. (The arguments against this are also not forgotten). If the birth of Christ was due to Holy Spirit, John the Baptist was filled up with Holy Spirit right from his mother's pregnancy. In addition to having recorded that among those who took birth from woman nobody is greater than John, the declaration that the lowest in heaven is greater than this John also reveals the importance of heaven.
Let it be examined the purpose of world savior Jesus Christ to have taken birth in this world, as described in Bible through the words of Apostles. "Consequently, just as the result of one trespass was condemnation for all men, so also the result of one act of righteousness was justification that brings life for all men. For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous" (Rom 5: 18,19). That's whereas the first man Adam lived in the Garden of Eden 1/100th portion (9.3 years) of his total lifetime of 930 years and expelled due to sin and hence the whole humanity due to the same reason and in the same proportion were become incomplete, the Second Adam, Jesus Christ, who has come up to overcome this, lived in this world of sin along with sinners but without sin the 1/100th portion (25.575 years) of His mission and hence reached to heaven as fulfilled everything, and sit at the right side of God. Here various points are to be highlighted.
- 1. The first man Adam, the continuing humanity or God's Son Christ, nobody has come to this world by their own will.
- 2. All of these were sent to this world for fulfilling a mission as assigned. Whereas Adam and the continuing humanity failed in their mission, Christ succeeded in the assignment and hence reached to its fulfillment.
- 3. Whereas Adam and descendants were become sinners in a world of no sin and hence expelled and reached to a world of sin and evil, Christ lived beyond sin in a world of sin and hence reached a sinless world.
- 4. The process of passing over of the first two worlds by the humanity has been continuing in world history. But Christ fulfilled His mission in the first world by one time and thus reached the second world and there the rest of mission is being fulfilled.
- 5. The whole humanity having placed in the incomplete status of their mission hopes an eternal fulfillment along with Christ in a third world.
While analyzing the various periods reviewed as above by emphasizing its starting and ending, the general features are more exposed.
- 1. The origins of the first world, the time when the Son God came up in this world as man, was the moments of peace, happiness and rejoice for all. "I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people; today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ" - thus the angels worshiped Him. The origin of creation of man is also the outstanding moments of bodily pleasure and satisfaction. At the end of this stage, Christ subjected to distress by own will, dead, buried and hence fulfils the mission. Correspondingly, the mother suffers most distress and pain through the phenomenon of birth. World considers this as part of fulfillment of her mission.
- 2. In the initial stage of second world Christ arose and reached heaven. This was the time for peace, happiness and hope both in heaven and earth. The time when a baby comes up to this world through the process of birth is the moments of happiness and joy for a group of peoples including parents relatives and friends. By the end of this stage, Christ will again appear in this world to form new sky and new earth. Prior to this, the most distress that the world never witnessed till then will happen. The end of the equivalent stage of man, the passing over through death, is most distressed and difficult.
- 3. While Christ who represents the new sky and new earth in the third world will gather saints with Him during rest of the ruling and judgment and thus they will enter to the eternal life, whereas those who become unsuccessful in the judgment will be thrown over to the hell for ever.
Accordingly 9.3 years of Adam, 0.775 year of modern man, 25.575 years (based on the declared age of 76.725 years at the time of birth of Christ) of Jesus Christ, all these are in same proportion. Then 100 times of all these, i.e., 930 years, 77.5 years and 2557.5 years, all shall be respectively of the same proportion. That's, the span of the period (The term of Christ's mission at first stage) from the birth of Christ to His Second Arrival (Ending of the world) is 2557.5 years itself. This is to be considered as the second equation.
'The Revelation to John', the last book of Bible is the book in which the future history of world has been revealed through His disciple John. Before the Second Arrival of Christ and His ruling, the serpent and the devil that misled the whole world is to be thrown to earth. Thus, the injustice spreads to the whole world to its maximum. This serpent is pictured as an animal having its strength, throne, power and having nickname on the head. Except those who stamped with the name of this animal or its equivalent number, no transaction becomes possible on those days. "This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666" (Rev 13: 18). From this Bible verse, various things have to be understood. This remains as the shadow of the events to happen and an indicator of the end days by giving priority to symbolization. The actual meaning of this figure has to be interpreted. For that, this Bible verse has allowed us. This figure is related with the man.
Based on the light of above details, if we review the comparative study, interrelations are seen. The history of the 66 genealogy of Christ, the world savior who declared that 'I am the alpha and the omega - the first and the last, since creation or the world history from start to end and a reflection of the various stages of human life from start to end, which is passing along with this in an equivalent path are the contents of Bible described through 66 books. We saw that the span of term from Adam to Christ is 33.333 man-age and that of from Christ to the end of world is 33.333 man-age. That's the total span of world from creation to end of world is 66.666... man-age. This is also a figure extending to infinity. Viewing accordingly, this is purely a repetition of the above figure 666 proportionally (symbolically). (Read an another similar explanation given in chapter - 4). Besides, all other specialties as mentioned above come matching to this. Therefore, the interpretation of this Bible verse is nothing but the period from the birth of Christ to the end of world is 33.333 man-age. That's 33.333 x 76.725 = 2557.5 years. This is the third equation to arrive the span of world.
Thus, the three equations derived on different considerations have reached to a single point as seen in the above paragraphs. The reformation that would be happened to the world and the Second Arrival of Christ are rigidly related as already mentioned. That's the span of period from the birth of Christ to His Second Arrival is 2557.5 years (say 2558). Even if the time of birth of Christ has been differently recorded by historians, the one found to be more or less realistic is that the birth of Christ was in 4 BC. Accordingly the most possible and appropriate time when the great hope of the faithful to be positively fulfilled is by 2558 - (4 - 1) = 2555 Remember 2555 AD
But the possibility to have a different opinion for this assessment is related with the range in the lifetime of today's man. The range of this is from 70 to 80 years. As per this calculation, 2000 AD, the onset of new millennium is equivalent to an age of 69.5 years of a man. Alternatively, the year corresponding to an age of 70 years of man is 2555 - (76.725 - 70) x 76.725 = 2039 AD. Then the first possible year for this, related to the lifetime of man comes to be 2039 AD. But here an important thing to be taken into account is that while the man, one of the factors subjected to comparison, is infinite in number, the other factor of world is only one in count. Then the average of lifetimes is more signified. Not only this, the various periods come as equivalent to various stages and the last stage reflects the lifetime of Christ are to be remembered only when the average lifetime reaches 76.725 years. Therefore itself, the possibility to have an earlier happening in the line of thinking as mentioned above does not have any authenticity.
The inferences that given above are only based on some studies and indications. Therefore itself, the criteria for the time of Second Arrival of Christ according to Holy Words shall be understood. The mission that was entrusted by Christ to His disciples on the eve of taking up to heaven is "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age" (Mat 28: 19,20). Some other Bible verses also have clarified that the criterion for His arrival is the fulfillment of this mission. "And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come" (Mat 24: 14). "The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance" (1Pe 3: 9); entered like this. Therefore, it is so clear that the criterion for the Second Arrival of Jesus Christ is to reach this gospel at every corner of the world.
Like wise, regarding the date and time of His arrival it has to be specially said that, He was not ready to give any hints. Besides "No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father", recorded like this. This is a clear indication reflected through Son's words that the Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit will perform in time the things which were decided in advance, through the Son, according to Father's will, in the fulfillment of Holy Spirit. It has been entered in some other portion that the day of Lord will be like a thief in the night. At the same time "Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets" (Amo 3: 7); recorded in the book of prophets. Therefore, what the Lord, who taught through parables that the Kingdom of heaven is like ten virgins went out to meet the bridegroom with lamp, advice us is 'Be awaken as you do not know that date and hour'. Remember this specifically.
The period from the birth of Christ can be reviewed in relation with His lifetime of 33.333 years. That's from birth to twelfth year having infant and child stages, the remaining period up to thirtieth age having child, youth and adult stages, the rest of the period of adult stage; thus this can be divided into mainly three. The term equivalent to the first 920 years, world had known Lord. This was the infant stage of Christianity. The second term of 920 to 2300 years, the period that we are passing now, even if we have physical achievements, no spiritual improvements can be claimed. Even if the real faithful experience Christ, there are no public communications by God. Not only that, we are nowadays living in a period when it seems there are no hurdles to proceed in the absence of God. This reflects in all the fields of activities of human life. Even the Christian followers are not an exception. The possibility is to continue the present situation up to 2300 as it is, disregarding isolated changes. However, the rest of period of world since 2300 equivalent to 3½ years of the ministry of Christ will be eventful. The world would be in the same condition as that of a chronic aged man, who could not go ahead without assistance. However, the whole world will be preached with gospel, to fulfill His words. The events as the signs of ending of world may be happened during this period. Not only that the various events that to be happened in the end days are seen prefixed with 42 months (3½ years), 1260 days (3½ years) and 3½ days (Rev 11). But this shall be subjected to further studies. Reviewing accordingly, the possibility that the rest of period from 2300 of the world as equivalent to the last 3 1/2 man-age, may be eventful, cannot be ruled out in any way. Besides, corresponding to the distress of Jesus Christ during His end days in this world, the end days of world would be subjected to distress and troubles for a period of its 76.725 times duration.
By the Second Arrival of Christ, the world would be changed considerably. Whereas each nation, out of about 209 countries in the world, has its own administrative arrangements, these do not have a common administrative head or such setup. But the Lord who comes as the King of kings will rule the whole world consisting new sky and new earth from the throne of His father David. Same like His birth, this throne will also be at the middle of the world geographically. In the above equations, if we use either the average life span of man from creation to end instead of the declared age of modern man, or the real life time of Christ against the equivalent lifetime, the figure 33.333 x 100 = 3333 as obtained can be considered as the end of Thousand Years Ruling. That's the 775 years from 2555 to 3330 in the proportion of man-age are (775 x 100/76.725 = 1000) thousand years itself. The Final Judgment may be at the end of this Ruling. Thereby instead of earth, the present residence of man, there shall have to form two zones namely the heaven and the hell. But more details are not available as how the arrangements of these are.
According to the limited information before us, heaven is the shelter of saints along with God and hell is the place of retention of those who were displaced in the Judgment. That's, the heaven is the symbol of good and the hell is that of evil. There are light and darkness respectively. Besides, one is at high and the other at deep. Even if these could be visible each other, there are no contacts in between. According to available information, if the present earth is a mixed residential area, the new earth following the Ruling and Judgment will remain as the place of the unsuccessful. Then, another planet of the solar system may be the one transforming as heaven. According to the information released by those who reached at moon that exists at high as the symbol of light and whiteness, such line of thoughts get strengthened. The same series of human beings who pass by this earth until its end shall have to pass through one of these two channels in resurrection.
Whereas the Holy Bible started with the description of creation of this world, this great Book ends with the prayer of beloved disciple St. John of Lord Jesus Christ indicating His Second Arrival related with its conclusion. Let us repeat this prayer. Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.
The Author
K. M. Mathew, Kaduthanathu, Muthoor. P. O., Tiruvalla, Pathanamthitta (Dist.), Pin - 689 107, KeralaState (INDIA)
Tel: +919447249472
E-mail: [email protected]
Born as the son of Mr. K. V. Mathew and Mrs. Sosamma Mathew, Kaduthanathu, Valakuzhy, Pathanamthitta (Dist.), Kerala State (INDIA)
Education at Pre-Degree level at MarThomaCollege, Tiruvalla. Degree in Civil Engineering from MarAthanasiusCollege of Engineering, Kothamangalam during 1977. Undergone higher education at College of Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram and obtained the Degree of Master of Technology in Structural Engineering from the University of Kerala during 1988.
Employed as Engineer under Kerala State Public Works Department since 1979. Now on long leave being employed as Project Co-ordinator, Al-Ghanim International Construction Co., Kuwait.